
Happy Halloween!! Thanks so much for such a fun Halloween party! We appreciate all of the parents who helped in the preparations and were able to join us for this awesome event. Enjoy the night of trick-or-treating with your family and friends!

We won the choice hour contest! Students are bringing home a permission slip today. Our class gets to watch Harry Potter and Sorcerer’s Stone on Wednesday, November 7th. Please sign to indicate that you give your child permission to watch this movie. Thank you!

Conference Sign-Up:

The sign-up form for parent conferences is posted outside of our classroom door. Conferences are November Thursday, November 15 and Monday, November 19.

Dear Parents:

Volunteers are needed for the upcoming book fair.

Our Fall Book Fair is November 13th (Set up) through November 19th (Take Down). On Conference days (11/15 and 11/19) the Book Fair is open till 8:00 pm (other days till 3:00 pm). Please take a moment and check the Volunteer Schedule on Signupgenius http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0D48AAA728A75-bcsfall1 for the available 2 hour shifts.

This is a fun event and all proceeds go directly to the Media Center to purchase new materials.

Please feel free to contact Shiva or Theresa with any questions.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Shiva Motlagh & Theresa Valentine

Book Fair Co-Chairs

Battle of the Books:

Attention Fourth Grade Readers! Here is a link to the Battle site that will provide you with all of the information you need!


Lansing Field Trip is November 28 –

Students will be allowed to bring ANY electronic devices for this trip (DS/IPOD/KINDLE FIRE, etc). They will be responsible for these during the trip. There is no fee for this trip. Please return the signed permission slip and return it to school on Friday.

Scholastic Book Club ordering. It’s so easy! Click on the link in the Places to Go and Explore section (right hand side) Set up your own parent username and password and type in the following code for Butzin’s class: HDPNQ

There are various magazines available to order from.


Subjects taught today:

Math – Unit 2 Test

Co curricular class: Eng Tech

Social Studies –Party

Reader’s/Writer’s Workshop- Publish Ghost Story

Gym/Swim Schedule: We gym/swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays.

Here is what we have for you today:

We have mail today!

We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Choice Hour permission slip due Thursday!

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Go onto Raz Kids and read a book this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

Count your Halloween candy and sort them into groups. CHALLENGE-OPTIONAL: Create a bar graph of the sorted candy!

Try setting up your own practice quizzes on thatquiz.org. You do not log in to set up practice quizzes. Just click the area you would like to study and click on the no. of questions/level/timing settings you want to try.

To get to thatquiz.org click on the link under Frequently Visited Places:

• Click on your name

• Type in your school password (no username needed)

• Position one hand over the numbers on your keyboard and the other hand to click Enter or Submit with the mouse.

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

Today in class we studied for Friday’s test a bit! We had over 30 minutes of great work time to complete anything that is due on Thursday and Friday. The kids worked hard and did the best job!!! We have a review due tomorrow. We will also take our Unit 3 timed tests on tomorrow (addition/subtraction and multiplication) for Unit 3. We have two online tests due on Friday. The codes are HHWO7599 and XLYP0554. We will have our Unit 3 Test Friday as well.

Important Reminders:

• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.

• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.

• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

• Bring a chapter book every day.


Terrific Tuesday!

Tomorrow Halloween!!!! Please do not send your child to school wearing a costume. We have a normal day of learning until 1:30pm when everyone will be given 15 minutes to change into costumes. At 1:45pm, we have an all-school parade and all parents are invited! It is a lot of fun!!!! After the parade, we will head to Room 104A and the hallway next to it for our party with Mrs. Frishman’s class. When you are helping your child prepare his/her costume, please ensure that your child’s costume does not come with any weapons, blood, or gore. This is school policy and we appreciate you helping us keep our holiday fun school appropriate!!!

Conference Sign-Up:

The sign-up form for parent conferences is posted outside of our classroom door. Conferences are November Thursday, November 15 and Monday, November 19.

Dear Parents:

Volunteers are needed for the upcoming book fair.

Our Fall Book Fair is November 13th (Set up) through November 19th (Take Down). On Conference days (11/15 and 11/19) the Book Fair is open till 8:00 pm (other days till 3:00 pm). Please take a moment and check the Volunteer Schedule on Signupgenius http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0D48AAA728A75-bcsfall1 for the available 2 hour shifts.

This is a fun event and all proceeds go directly to the Media Center to purchase new materials.

Please feel free to contact Shiva or Theresa with any questions.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Shiva Motlagh & Theresa Valentine

Book Fair Co-Chairs

Battle of the Books:

Attention Fourth Grade Readers! Here is a link to the Battle site that will provide you with all of the information you need!


Lansing Field Trip is November 28 –

Students will be allowed to bring ANY electronic devices for this trip (DS/IPOD/KINDLE FIRE, etc). They will be responsible for these during the trip. There is no fee for this trip. Please return the signed permission slip and return it to school on Friday.

Scholastic Book Club ordering. It’s so easy! Click on the link in the Places to Go and Explore section (right hand side) Set up your own parent username and password and type in the following code for Butzin’s class: HDPNQ

There are various magazines available to order from.


Subjects taught today:

Math – Number stories with several addends

Co curricular class: Spanish

Social Studies –Chapters 1 and 2 powerpoint project

Reader’s/Writer’s Workshop- Publishing Ghost Story

Gym/Swim Schedule: We gym/swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays.

Here is what we have for you today:

We have mail today!

We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Go onto Raz Kids and read a book this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

HL 2.9 (There are 2 pages…complete both.)

JP 53

Review due tomorrow

Test tomorrow

IXL for 10 minutes- multiplication

Try setting up your own practice quizzes on thatquiz.org. You do not log in to set up practice quizzes. Just click the area you would like to study and click on the no. of questions/level/timing settings you want to try.

To get to thatquiz.org click on the link under Frequently Visited Places:

• Click on your name

• Type in your school password (no username needed)

• Position one hand over the numbers on your keyboard and the other hand to click Enter or Submit with the mouse.

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

Due tomorrow is JP 74-75 SL 3.11. We have a review due Thursday. We will also take our Unit 3 timed tests on Thursday (addition/subtraction and multiplication). We have two online tests due on Friday. The codes are HHWO7599 and XLYP0554. We will have our Unit 3 Test Friday as well.

Important Reminders:

• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.

• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.

• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

• Bring a chapter book every day.


Marvelous Monday!

What an awesome day! This morning the 4th graders attended the Battle of the Books launch. It is very exciting for our 4th graders. They can begin checking out the battle books today. If you haven’t signed up, you will want to do that ASAP. We had time for Math, Eng Tech, Spanish, Social Studies and Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop today. It was a day full of learning!

Wednesday is Halloween!!!! Please do not send your child to school wearing a costume. We have a normal day of learning until 1:30pm when everyone will be given 15 minutes to change into costumes. At 1:45pm, we have an all-school parade and all parents are invited! It is a lot of fun!!!! After the parade, we will head to Room 104A and the hallway next to it for our party with Mrs. Frishman’s class. When you are helping your child prepare his/her costume, please ensure that your child’s costume does not come with any weapons, blood, or gore. This is school policy and we appreciate you helping us keep our holiday fun school appropriate!!!

Conference Sign-Up:

The sign-up form for parent conferences is posted outside of our classroom door. Conferences are November Thursday, November 15 and Monday, November 19.

Dear Parents:

Volunteers are needed for the upcoming book fair.

Our Fall Book Fair is November 13th (Set up) through November 19th (Take Down). On Conference days (11/15 and 11/19) the Book Fair is open till 8:00 pm (other days till 3:00 pm). Please take a moment and check the Volunteer Schedule on Signupgenius http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0D48AAA728A75-bcsfall1 for the available 2 hour shifts.

This is a fun event and all proceeds go directly to the Media Center to purchase new materials.

Please feel free to contact Shiva or Theresa with any questions.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Shiva Motlagh & Theresa Valentine

Book Fair Co-Chairs

Battle of the Books:

Attention Fourth Grade Readers! Here is a link to the Battle site that will provide you with all of the information you need!


Lansing Field Trip is November 28 –

Students will be allowed to bring ANY electronic devices for this trip (DS/IPOD/KINDLE FIRE, etc). They will be responsible for these during the trip. There is no fee for this trip. Please return the signed permission slip and return it to school on Friday.

Scholastic Book Club ordering. It’s so easy! Click on the link in the Places to Go and Explore section (right hand side) Set up your own parent username and password and type in the following code for Butzin’s class: HDPNQ

There are various magazines available to order from.


Subjects taught today:

Math – Trade First and Counting Up Subtraction

Co curricular class: Eng Tech and Spanish

Social Studies –Northeast Region

Reader’s/Writer’s Workshop- Connections and Publishing

Gym/Swim Schedule: We gym/swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays.

Here is what we have for you today:

We have mail!

We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Go onto Raz Kids and read a book this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

HL 2.8 and JP 48-49

Review due Wednesday

Test Wednesday

IXL for 10 minutes

Try setting up your own practice quizzes on thatquiz.org. You do not log in to set up practice quizzes. Just click the area you would like to study and click on the no. of questions/level/timing settings you want to try.

To get to thatquiz.org click on the link under Frequently Visited Places:

• Click on your name

• Type in your school password (no username needed)

• Position one hand over the numbers on your keyboard and the other hand to click Enter or Submit with the mouse.

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

Due tomorrow is JP 71 (#8 a and b are optional/challenge problems) and SL 3.10. We have a review due Thursday. We will also take our Unit 3 timed tests on Thursday. We have two online tests due on Friday. The codes are HHWO7599 and XLYP0554. We will have our Unit 3 Test Friday.

Important Reminders:

• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.

• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.

• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

• Bring a chapter book every day.


Happy Thursday!

It was a thrilling Thursday in room 204!   I spent the morning yesterday curriculum planning with Mr. Bishop and the 3rd grade math teacher. This afternoon I will be meeting with the district report card committee. In the afternoon, the students will be in PE, Engage, Media Center Checkout and Character Connections! It is a very busy and exciting day.

Attention Fourth Grade Readers! The Battle of the Books will begin on Monday, October 29th! You will want to turn in your permission slip before that date so you can start reading on the 29th! Here is a link to the site that will provide you with all of the information you need!


Lansing Field Trip is November 28 –

Students will be allowed to bring ANY electronic devices for this trip (DS/IPOD/KINDLE FIRE, etc). They will be responsible for these during the trip. There is no fee for this trip. Please return the signed permission slip and return it to school on Friday.

Scholastic Book Club ordering. It’s so easy! Click on the link in the Places to Go and Explore section (right hand side) Set up your own parent username and password and type in the following code for Butzin’s class: HDPNQ

There are various magazines available to order from.


Subjects taught today:

Math – Addition Methods

Co curricular class: PE and Engage

Social Studies – Exploring the Northeast Region

Gym/Swim Schedule: We gym/swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays.

Here is what we have for you today:

We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Go onto Raz Kids and read a book this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

HL 2.7 and JP 46 (math boxes)

Review due Wednesday

Test Wednesday

IXL for 10 minutes

We will take a timed multiplication quiz on 4s on Monday! Make sure you study these facts daily!

Try setting up your own practice quizzes on thatquiz.org. You do not log in to set up practice quizzes. Just click the area you would like to study and click on the no. of questions/level/timing settings you want to try.

To get to thatquiz.org click on the link under Frequently Visited Places:

• Click on your name

• Type in your school password (no username needed)

• Position one hand over the numbers on your keyboard and the other hand to click Enter or Submit with the mouse.

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

JP 66, 68 SL 3.8 We also have two online quizzes due tomorrow. The codes are EWBK4337 and MRKA5957

Important Reminders:

• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.

• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.

• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

• Bring a chapter book every day.


Wondrous Wednesday!

Attention Fourth Grade Readers! The Battle of the Books will begin on Monday, October 29th! You will want to turn in your permission slip before that date so you can start reading on the 29th! Here is a link to the site that will provide you with all of the information you need!


Lansing Field Trip is November 28 –permission slips due ASAP!

Students will be allowed to bring ANY electronic devices for this trip (DS/IPOD/KINDLE FIRE, etc). They will be responsible for these during the trip. There is no fee for this trip. Please return the signed permission slip and return it to school on Friday.

Scholastic Book Club ordering. It’s so easy! Click on the link in the Places to Go and Explore section (right hand side) Set up your own parent username and password and type in the following code for Butzin’s class: HDPNQ

There are various magazines available to order from.


Subjects taught today:

Math – Comparison Number Stories

Co curricular class: Eng Tech and Character Connections

Social Studies – Unit 1 Quiz

Gym/Swim Schedule: We gym/swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays.

Here is what we have for you today:

Social Studies:

We are studying the Northeast Region!

We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Go onto Raz Kids and read a book this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

IXL for 10 minutes (focus on multiplication)

Monday, we will take a timed test on multiplication facts 4. Students need to practice 5-10 minutes a day in order to be prepared for the quiz on Monday.

Try setting up your own practice quizzes on thatquiz.org. You do not log in to set up practice quizzes. Just click the area you would like to study and click on the no. of questions/level/timing settings you want to try.

To get to thatquiz.org click on the link under Frequently Visited Places:

• Click on your name

• Type in your school password (no username needed)

• Position one hand over the numbers on your keyboard and the other hand to click Enter or Submit with the mouse.

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

Tonight’s homework is JP 63, 65 SL 3.6 10 minutes of IXL (focused on B1, C1, D1, and E1).

Important Reminders:

• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.

• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.

• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

• Bring a chapter book every day.


Attention Fourth Grade Readers! The Battle of the Books will begin on Monday, October 29th! You will want to turn in your permission slip before that date so you can start reading on the 29th!  Here is a link to the site that will provide you with all of the information you need! http://bcsbattle.wikis.birmingham.k12.mi.us/

Lansing Field Trip is November 28 –permission slips due ASAP!

Students will be allowed to bring ANY electronic devices for this trip (DS/IPOD/KINDLE FIRE, etc). They will be responsible for these during the trip. There is no fee for this trip. Please return the signed permission slip and return it to school on Friday.

Scholastic Book Club ordering. It’s so easy! Click on the link in the Places to Go and Explore section (right hand side) Set up your own parent username and password and type in the following code for Butzin’s class: HDPNQ

There are various magazines available to order from.


Order Due Date 10/23/12

Subjects taught today:

Math – Comparison Number Stories

Co curricular class: Spanish

Social Studies – Northeast Region

Gym/Swim Schedule: We gym/swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays.

Here is what we have for you today:

Social Studies:

Get the study guide signed by a parent and return on Wednesday

Quiz on Wednesday

Lansing Field trip letter due ASAP

We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Goal setting due ASAP

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Go onto Raz Kids and read a book this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

JP 42, 44

HL 2.6

IXL for 10 minutes (focus on multiplication)

We took a timed multiplication quiz today in class. Those students who didn’t score 70 percent or higher will need to keep practicing. The score will not be recorded until 70 percent is mastered. Next Monday, we will take a timed test on multiplication facts 4. Students need to practice 5-10 minutes a day in order to be prepared for the quiz on Monday. We can do this!

Try setting up your own practice quizzes on thatquiz.org. You do not log in to set up practice quizzes. Just click the area you would like to study and click on the no. of questions/level/timing settings you want to try.

To get to thatquiz.org click on the link under Frequently Visited Places:

• Click on your name

• Type in your school password (no username needed)

• Position one hand over the numbers on your keyboard and the other hand to click Enter or Submit with the mouse.

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

Today the kids were excited to get their Unit 2 tests back! Please get your test letter signed to show me tomorrow and then you will be free to keep the test. Also due tomorrow are JP 60 SL 3.2 and SL 3.3. On Wednesday we have two online tests due. The codes are HFXV4822 and NTMF5980.

Important Reminders:

• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.

• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.

• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

• Bring a chapter book every day.


What a Fabulous Friday!

What a fantabulous Friday! We have the hardest and most cooperative workers in our class. This morning we worked hard in social studies reviewing for our regions/geography quiz on Wednesday. Students are coming home with a completed review today as a study guide. The students and I completed this together as a class. Knowing this information will ensure success on the quiz! Spend a few minutes each day studying. In the afternoon, we worked with our buddy and set up our student portfolio pages. It was such a productive week…go TEAM BUTZIN! Enjoy the weekend with your family.

Lansing Field Trip is November 28 –permission slips due ASAP!

Students will be allowed to bring ANY electronic devices for this trip (DS/IPOD/KINDLE FIRE, etc). They will be responsible for these during the trip. There is no fee for this trip. Please return the signed permission slip and return it to school on Friday.

Scholastic Book Club ordering. It’s so easy! Click on the link in the Places to Go and Explore section (right hand side) Set up your own parent username and password and type in the following code for Butzin’s class: HDPNQ

There are various magazines available to order from.


Order Due Date 10/23/12

Subjects taught today:

Math – Change Number Stories

Co curricular class: Gym and Engage

Social Studies – Review for regions quiz on Wednesday

Gym/Swim Schedule: We gym/swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays.

Here is what we have for you today:

Social Studies:

Get the study guide signed by a parent and return on Wednesday

Quiz on Wednesday

Lansing Field trip letter due ASAP

We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Goal setting is due Oct. 22.

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Go onto Raz Kids and read a book this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

HL 2.4

Journal Pages 37-38

IXL for 10 minutes (focus on multiplication)

We will take a timed multiplication quiz on facts 1-3 in class on Monday.

Try setting up your own practice quizzes on thatquiz.org. You do not log in to set up practice quizzes. Just click the area you would like to study and click on the no. of questions/level/timing settings you want to try.

To get to thatquiz.org click on the link under Frequently Visited Places:

• Click on your name

• Type in your school password (no username needed)

• Position one hand over the numbers on your keyboard and the other hand to click Enter or Submit with the mouse.

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

Tonight’s homework is JP 53, 57 SL 3.1 We also have ten minutes of IXL. During these ten minutes, focus on skills B1, C1, D1, and E1. You choose which one of these four skills you want to work on during those ten minutes. If you happen to master all four, you are then free to choose any skills you like!

Important Reminders:

• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.

• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.

• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

• Bring a chapter book every day.


It was a terrific Thursday in room 204!

Today we are bringing home our Lansing field trip letter!   Our class is very excited about this trip.  Students will be allowed to bring ANY  electronic devices for this trip (DS/IPOD/KINDLE FIRE, etc).  They will be responsible for these during the trip. There is no fee for this trip.  Please return the signed permission slip and return it to school on Friday. 

Scholastic Book Club ordering. It’s so easy! Click on the link in the Places to Go and Explore section (right hand side) Set up your own parent username and password and type in the following code for Butzin’s class: HDPNQ

There are various magazines available to order from.


Order Due Date 10/23/12

Subjects taught today:

Math – Number Stories

Co curricular class: Gym and Engage

Social Studies – Map Skills

Gym/Swim Schedule: We gym/swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays.

Here is what we have for you today:

We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Goal setting is due Oct. 22.

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Go onto Raz Kids and read a book this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

HL 2.4

Journal Pages 37-38

IXL for 10 minutes (focus on multiplication)

We will take a timed multiplication quiz on facts 1-3 in class on Monday.

Try setting up your own practice quizzes on thatquiz.org. You do not log in to set up practice quizzes. Just click the area you would like to study and click on the no. of questions/level/timing settings you want to try.

To get to thatquiz.org click on the link under Frequently Visited Places:

• Click on your name

• Type in your school password (no username needed)

• Position one hand over the numbers on your keyboard and the other hand to click Enter or Submit with the mouse.

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

Today we took our Unit 2 test along with the fact tests. I will have them back for you by Monday! Tonight’s homework is ten minutes of IXL. During these ten minutes, focus on skills B1, C1, D1, and E1. You choose which one of these four skills you want to work on during those ten minutes. If you happen to master all four, you are then free to choose any skills you like!

Important Reminders:

• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.

• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.

• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

• Bring a chapter book every day.


MEAP testing is now over for 3rd and 4th graders.

Scholastic Book Club ordering. It’s so easy! Click on the link in the Places to Go and Explore section (right hand side) Set up your own parent username and password and type in the following code for Butzin’s class: HDPNQ

There are various magazines available to order from.


Order Due Date 10/23/12

Subjects taught today:

Lang. Arts- MEAP

Math – MEAP

Co curricular class: Spanish

Social Studies – Royal Castle Floor Plan

Gym/Swim Schedule: We gym/swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays.

Here is what we have for you today:

We have mail!

We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Goal setting is due Oct. 22.

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Go onto Raz Kids and read a book this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

HL 2.3 and Journal pages 34-35 due Thursday

IXL for 10 minutes (multiplication focus)

Try setting up your own practice quizzes on thatquiz.org. You do not log in to set up practice quizzes. Just click the area you would like to study and click on the no. of questions/level/timing settings you want to try.

To get to thatquiz.org click on the link under Frequently Visited Places:

• Click on your name

• Type in your school password (no username needed)

• Position one hand over the numbers on your keyboard and the other hand to click Enter or Submit with the mouse.

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

We will turn in our reviews before our test on Thursday. We have two online tests due on Thursday. The codes are WNPB3394 and TAVE4335. We will have our Unit 2 test on the 18th as well as two fact tests (addition/subtraction and multiplication)!!

Important Reminders:

• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.

• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.

• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

• Bring a chapter book every day.


Terrific Tuesday!

We had a terrific Tuesday! Tomorrow is our last day of MEAP testing. Today your child is bringing home a scholastic book letter and book forms! If you are interested in ordering, please submit your order by October 23.

Scholastic Book Club ordering. It’s so easy! Click on the link in the Places to Go and Explore section (right hand side) Set up your own parent username and password and type in the following code for Butzin’s class: HDPNQ

There are various magazines available to order from.


Order Due Date 10/23/12

Please remember, MEAP testing on the 17th. Please make sure your child brings in good books or magazines. The state law mandates that if a student finishes the test early during any testing block, the only thing he/she may do is read. They may not draw or read on an electronic device. In fact, they can’t bring any electronic devices into the room (this is not a rule I usually have so it may be a challenge at first). Go to the library and get 3 or more JUST RIGHT chapter books for next week to read. Students will have an opportunity to read these after testing!

Parents - Please avoid making appointments for your children during the testing window.

Subjects taught today:

Lang. Arts- MEAP

Math – MEAP

Co curricular class: Spanish

Social Studies – MEAP

Gym/Swim Schedule: We gym/swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays.

Here is what we have for you today:

We have mail!

We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Goal setting is due Oct. 22.

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Go onto Raz Kids and read a book this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

HL 2.3 and Journal pages 34-35 due Thursday

IXL for 10 minutes (multiplication focus)

Try setting up your own practice quizzes on thatquiz.org. You do not log in to set up practice quizzes. Just click the area you would like to study and click on the no. of questions/level/timing settings you want to try.

To get to thatquiz.org click on the link under Frequently Visited Places:

• Click on your name

• Type in your school password (no username needed)

• Position one hand over the numbers on your keyboard and the other hand to click Enter or Submit with the mouse.

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

We will turn in our reviews before our test on Thursday. We have two online tests due on Thursday. The codes are WNPB3394 and TAVE4335. We will have our Unit 2 test on the 18th as well as two fact tests (addition/subtraction and multiplication)!!

Important Reminders:

• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.

• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.

• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

• Bring a chapter book every day.


Marvelous Monday!

This was a marvelous Monday in room 204! We won the choice hour contest. Everyone turned in the form by the deadline! Congrats to our amazing class! This morning we had time for Reader’s Workshop, Math and Eng Tech. In the afternoon, we learned about reading a map, latitude and longitude and had time for books shopping. Remember to get lots of rest tonight and enjoy a healthy breakfast. We will be taking the Math MEAP.

Student directories were given to students today. The youngest student in each BCS family received the student directories today.

Please remember, MEAP testing on the 16th and 17th. Please make sure your child brings in good books or magazines. The state law mandates that if a student finishes the test early during any testing block, the only thing he/she may do is read. They may not draw or read on an electronic device. In fact, they can’t bring any electronic devices into the room (this is not a rule I usually have so it may be a challenge at first). Go to the library and get 3 or more JUST RIGHT chapter books for next week to read. Students will have an opportunity to read these after testing!

Parents - Please avoid making appointments for your children during the testing window.

Subjects taught today:

Lang. Arts- Reader’s Workshop

Math – What’s My Rule

Co curricular class: Eng Tech/Engage

Social Studies – Geography Skills

Gym/Swim Schedule: We gym/swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays.

Here is what we have for you today:

Goal setting is due Oct. 22.

We have mail!

We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Go onto Raz Kids and read a book this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

HL 2.3 and Journal pages 34-35 due Thursday

IXL for 10 minutes (multiplication focus)

Try setting up your own practice quizzes on thatquiz.org. You do not log in to set up practice quizzes. Just click the area you would like to study and click on the no. of questions/level/timing settings you want to try.

To get to thatquiz.org click on the link under Frequently Visited Places:

• Click on your name

• Type in your school password (no username needed)

• Position one hand over the numbers on your keyboard and the other hand to click Enter or Submit with the mouse.

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

Today we went over our review and had a chance to present a few more geo-museums. We will turn in our reviews before our test on Thursday. It was a great math class!! We have two online tests due on Thursday. The codes are WNPB3394 and TAVE4335. We will have our Unit 2 test on the 18th as well as two fact tests (addition/subtraction and multiplication)!!

Important Reminders:

• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.

• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.

• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

• Bring a chapter book every day.


Our Fantabulous Friday!

It was a fantabulous Friday in room 204! The choice hour deadline is Monday! We only need a few more choice hour selection sheets turned in before the deadline on Monday! We can do this! In addition, all students have mail to share with you today. Have a great weekend everyone!

Please remember, MEAP testing on the 16th and 17th. Please make sure your child brings in good books or magazines. The state law mandates that if a student finishes the test early during any testing block, the only thing he/she may do is read. They may not draw or read on an electronic device. In fact, they can’t bring any electronic devices into the room (this is not a rule I usually have so it may be a challenge at first). Go to the library and get 3 or more JUST RIGHT chapter books for next week to read. Students will have an opportunity to read these after testing!

Parents - Please avoid making appointments for your children during the testing window.

We are almost there with only 4 more choice hour selection sheets to return! We received out Choice Hour selection sheet in Friday. Our class is entering a choice hour movie contest! We really want you to help us win by returning your selection sheet on ASAP!!!! If payment is required, please attach it to the form.

Subjects taught today:

Lang. Arts- When Reading Has Mattered Time Line/Reader’s Workshop-Point of View

Math – Using Basic Facts to Solve Fact Extensions

Co curricular class: PE/Engage

Social Studies – Intermediate/Cardinal Directions

Gym/Swim Schedule: We gym/swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays.

Here is what we have for you today:

We have mail!


We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Go onto Raz Kids and read a book this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

HL 2.1 and 2.3

JP 30, 31, 32 and 33 (We had 15 minutes in class to work on these. )

Students should have completed total of 50 minutes by Monday on IXL for the week.

Study multiplication facts 1-3 for 10 minutes-students can use thatquiz, table mountain, flash cards or any other method that works for you! We will take a timed test on Monday!

Try setting up your own practice quizzes on thatquiz.org. You do not log in to set up practice quizzes. Just click the area you would like to study and click on the no. of questions/level/timing settings you want to try.

To get to thatquiz.org click on the link under Frequently Visited Places:

• Click on your name

• Type in your school password (no username needed)

• Position one hand over the numbers on your keyboard and the other hand to click Enter or Submit with the mouse.

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

Our geo-museums were due today! Yesterday we received our Unit 2 review. This review is due on Monday. We will check it that day together. Our test will be Thursday, October 18th. We will not have math on Tuesday the 16th or Wednesday the 17th due to the MEAP. I recommend spending time practicing your addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts! We will have two fact tests on the 18th as well!!

Important Reminders:

• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.

• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.

• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

• Bring a chapter book every day.



This morning and afternoon the 4th graders worked really hard on the MEAP writing test. We also had some time today for math, PE and Engage. Tomorrow will be a normal BCS day!

Parents - Please avoid making appointments for your children during the testing window.

Please remember, MEAP testing on the 16th and 17th. Please make sure your child brings in good books or magazines. The state law mandates that if a student finishes the test early during any testing block, the only thing he/she may do is read. They may not draw or read on an electronic device. In fact, they can’t bring any electronic devices into the room (this is not a rule I usually have so it may be a challenge at first). Go to the library and get 3 or more JUST RIGHT chapter books for next week to read. Students will have an opportunity to read these after testing!

We are almost there with only 4 more choice hour selection sheets to return! We received out Choice Hour selection sheet in Friday. Our class is entering a choice hour movie contest! We really want you to help us win by returning your selection sheet on ASAP!!!! If payment is required, please attach it to the form.

Subjects taught today:

Lang. Arts- MEAP

Math – Fact Families

Co curricular class: Eng Tech/Spanish

Social Studies – none

Gym/Swim Schedule: We gym/swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays.

Here is what we have for you today:

We have mail!


We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Go onto Raz Kids and read a book this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

IXL for 10 minutes

Study multiplication facts 1-3 for 10 minutes-students can use thatquiz, table mountain, flash cards or any other method that works for you!

We will take a timed test next Thursday!

Try setting up your own practice quizzes on thatquiz.org. You do not log in to set up practice quizzes. Just click the area you would like to study and click on the no. of questions/level/timing settings you want to try.

To get to thatquiz.org click on the link under Frequently Visited Places:

• Click on your name

• Type in your school password (no username needed)

• Position one hand over the numbers on your keyboard and the other hand to click Enter or Submit with the mouse.

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

Our Geometry Museum projects are due tomorrow and we will share them in class!!! Today we received our Unit 2 review. This review is due on Monday. We will check it that day together. Our test will be Thursday, October 18th. We will not have math on Tuesday the 16th or Wednesday the 17th due to the MEAP.

Important Reminders:

• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.

• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.

• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

• Bring a chapter book every day.


MEAP Day 2!

We had a great morning MEAPing and in the afternoon, we had time for Spanish, Media Center Checkout and language arts. We also had some extra time to learn about the importance of good nutrition! Remember to get lots of rest and eat a good breakfast in preparation for day 3.

Parents - Please avoid making appointments for your children during the testing window.

Please remember, MEAP testing on the 11th, 16th, and 17th. Please make sure your child brings in good books or magazines. The state law mandates that if a student finishes the test early during any testing block, the only thing he/she may do is read. They may not draw or read on an electronic device. In fact, they can’t bring any electronic devices into the room (this is not a rule I usually have so it may be a challenge at first). Go to the library and get 3 or more JUST RIGHT chapter books for next week to read. Students will have an opportunity to read these after testing!

We received out Choice Hour selection sheet n Friday. Our class is entering a choice hour movie contest! We really want you to help us win by returning your selection sheet on ASAP!!!! If payment is required, please attach it to the form.

Subjects taught today:

Lang. Arts- MEAP

Math – MEAP

Co curricular class: Eng Tech

Social Studies – none

Gym/Swim Schedule: We gym/swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays.

Here is what we have for you today:


We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Go onto Raz Kids and read a book this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

Complete Quizstar homework assignment due Thursday!

Give parent letter to a parent

IXL for 30 min due Thursday

JP 28 and 29 due Thursday

IXL – you need to have 50 minutes logged into IXL by Sunday! Everyone should do 10 minutes on IXL if you are caught up. (10 minutes each night-focus on money/time/multiplication/division)

Try setting up your own practice quizzes on thatquiz.org. You do not log in to set up practice quizzes. Just click the area you would like to study and click on the no. of questions/level/timing settings you want to try.

To get to thatquiz.org click on the link under Frequently Visited Places:

• Click on your name

• Type in your school password (no username needed)

• Position one hand over the numbers on your keyboard and the other hand to click Enter or Submit with the mouse.

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

Due to the MEAP, we will not have math again until Thursday. Due Thursday is JP 44-45 We also have two online tests. The codes are YTJS4773 and RGSM9901

We also have a Geometry Museum project due on October 12th.

We also have a Geometry Museum project due on October 12th.

Important Reminders:

• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.

• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.

• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

• Bring a chapter book every day.


Our First Day of MEAP!

Today was our first day of MEAPing. It was a very successful day! I am so proud of our awesome test takers. Remember to get lots of rest and eat a good breakfast in preparation for day 2. Before lunch, we had time today to talk about our 3/4 goal setting process. You will see an orange sheet come home today titled 3/4 Goal Setting. This is due on Monday, October 22nd.

Parents - Please avoid making appointments for your children during the testing window.

Please remember, MEAP testing on the 9th, 10th, 11th, 16th, and 17th. Please make sure your child brings in good books or magazines. The state law mandates that if a student finishes the test early during any testing block, the only thing he/she may do is read. They may not draw or read on an electronic device. In fact, they can’t bring any electronic devices into the room (this is not a rule I usually have so it may be a challenge at first). Go to the library and get 3 or more JUST RIGHT chapter books for next week to read. Students will have an opportunity to read these after testing!


Tuesday, October 9th is Detroit Tiger Day at BCS. Please help your child show their Tiger spirit by wearing Detroit Tiger clothing and hats! Please do not send your child in with any other Detroit Tiger accessories.

Please spread the word and join us for Coney Bingo Night this Friday at BCS, 6:30-8:00PM. Everyone will leave with a prize! Also, we are still in need of volunteers for the night, so please sign up if you can! Volunteer link and RSVP link below.

Volunteer Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArIK96CSu6IYdDFDLTFnV2ZsU2l4eUt2d1ZBYkUydlE

We received out Choice Hour selection sheet on Friday. Our class is entering a choice hour movie contest! We really want you to help us win by returning your selection sheet on ASAP!!!! If payment is required, please attach it to the form.

Subjects taught today:

Lang. Arts- Writer’s/Reader’s Workshop “When Reading Has Mattered”

Math – Unit 2 Pretest

Co curricular class: Eng Tech/Spanish

Social Studies – Time for Kids

Gym/Swim Schedule: We gym/swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays.

Here is what we have for you today:


We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Go onto Raz Kids and read a book this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

Complete Quizstar homework assignment due Thursday!

Give parent letter to a parent

IXL for 30 min due Thursday

JP 28 and 29 due Thursday

IXL – you need to have 50 minutes logged into IXL by Sunday! Everyone should do 10 minutes on IXL if you are caught up. (10 minutes each night-focus on money/time/multiplication/division)

Try setting up your own practice quizzes on thatquiz.org. You do not log in to set up practice quizzes. Just click the area you would like to study and click on the no. of questions/level/timing settings you want to try.

To get to thatquiz.org click on the link under Frequently Visited Places:

• Click on your name

• Type in your school password (no username needed)

• Position one hand over the numbers on your keyboard and the other hand to click Enter or Submit with the mouse.

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

Due to the MEAP, we will not have math again until Thursday. Due Thursday is JP 44-45 We also have two online tests. The codes are YTJS4773 and RGSM9901

We also have a Geometry Museum project due on October 12th.

We also have a Geometry Museum project due on October 12th.

Important Reminders:

• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.

• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.

• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

• Bring a chapter book every day.


It was a marvelous Monday in room 204!!   Please remember, MEAP testing on the 9th, 10th, 11th, 16th, and 17th. Please make sure your child brings in good books or magazines. The state law mandates that if a student finishes the test early during any testing block, the only thing he/she may do is read. They may not draw or read on an electronic device. In fact, they can’t bring any electronic devices into the room (this is not a rule I usually have so it may be a challenge at first). Go to the library and get 3 or more JUST RIGHT chapter books for next week to read. Students will have an opportunity to read these after testing!


Tuesday, October 9th is Detroit Tiger Day at BCS. Please help your child show their Tiger spirit by wearing Detroit Tiger clothing and hats! Please do not send your child in with any other Detroit Tiger accessories.

  Please spread the word and join us for Coney Bingo Night this Friday at BCS, 6:30-8:00PM. Everyone will leave with a prize! Also, we are still in need of volunteers for the night, so please sign up if you can! Volunteer link and RSVP link below.

Volunteer Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArIK96CSu6IYdDFDLTFnV2ZsU2l4eUt2d1ZBYkUydlE

We received out Choice Hour selection sheet on Friday. Our class is entering a choice hour movie contest! We really want you to help us win by returning your selection sheet on ASAP!!!! If payment is required, please attach it to the form.

Subjects taught today:

Lang. Arts- Writer’s/Reader’s Workshop “When Reading Has Mattered”

Math – Unit 2 Pretest

Co curricular class: Eng Tech/Spanish

Social Studies – Time for Kids

Swim Schedule: We swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays

Here is what we have for you today:


We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Go onto Raz Kids and read a book this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

Complete Quizstar homework assignment due Thursday!

Give parent letter to a parent

IXL for 30 min due Thursday

JP 28 and 29 due Thursday

IXL – you need to have 50 minutes logged into IXL by Sunday! Everyone should do 10 minutes on IXL if you are caught up. (10 minutes each night-focus on money/time/multiplication/division)

Try setting up your own practice quizzes on thatquiz.org. You do not log in to set up practice quizzes. Just click the area you would like to study and click on the no. of questions/level/timing settings you want to try.

To get to thatquiz.org click on the link under Frequently Visited Places:

• Click on your name

• Type in your school password (no username needed)

• Position one hand over the numbers on your keyboard and the other hand to click Enter or Submit with the mouse.

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

Due to the MEAP, we will not have math again until Thursday. Due Thursday is JP 44-45 We also have two online tests. The codes are YTJS4773 and RGSM9901

We also have a Geometry Museum project due on October 12th.

We also have a Geometry Museum project due on October 12th.

Important Reminders:

• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.

• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.

• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

• Bring a chapter book every day.


Fantabulous Friday!

Today was the best Friday. This morning we created a time line of "When Reading Matters". We also increased our reading stamina today in workshop to 25 minutes. We did an amazing job. In the afternoon, we used our US desk maps for a geography challenge.

We received out Choice Hour selection sheet in the afternoon! Students will bring this home and share with you over the weekend. Our class is entering a choice hour movie contest! We really want you to help us win by returning your selection sheet on MONDAY  This will be posted on BCSonline.info at 3:15 today for your viewing.  If payment is required, please attach it to the form.

In prepatation for next week, you may wish to go the library this weekend and get 3 JUST RIGHT chapter books for next week to read. Students will have an opportunity to read these after testing!

Next week we start the MEAP test. The kids will be testing on the 9th, 10th, 11th, 16th, and 17th. Please make sure your child brings in good books or magazines. The state law mandates that if a student finishes the test early during any testing block, the only thing he/she may do is read. They may not draw or read on an electronic device. In fact, they can’t bring any electronic devices into the room (this is not a rule I usually have so it may be a challenge at first). I took the kids to the library today and will be encouraging them to check things out, but I am hoping you will touch base with them as well. Thank you!!!!

Subjects taught today:
Lang. Arts- Capitalization in our writing

Math – Bar Graphs

Co curricular class: Engage/Gym

Social Studies – Geography Challenge

Swim Schedule: We swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays

1st Marking Period

Tuesday, September 4 through Friday, September 28:

Frishman, Seley, Maliszewski, and Wallington will be in the GYM.

Butzin, Davis, Harvath, and Parkin will SWIM.

Here is what we have for you today:


We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Go onto Raz Kids and read a book this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

Take all online tests if you did not do this in class today!

IXL – you need to have 50 minutes logged into IXL by Sunday! Everyone should do 10 minutes on IXL if you are caught up. (10 minutes each night-focus on money/time/multiplication/division)

Try setting up your own practice quizzes on thatquiz.org. You do not log in to set up practice quizzes. Just click the area you would like to study and click on the no. of questions/level/timing settings you want to try.

To get to thatquiz.org click on the link under Frequently Visited Places:

• Click on your name

• Type in your school password (no username needed)

• Position one hand over the numbers on your keyboard and the other hand to click Enter or Submit with the mouse.

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

SL 2.7 (two sides) SL 2.9 (two sides) We are practicing addition and subtraction problems during this unit along with studying number landmarks. I have asked the kids to use the “traditional” method of addition and subtraction no matter what method the directions ask for. This is the method you and I grew up using and it is the method they have all been using since they walked in on the first day of math! Please allow your child to ignore any directions that ask them to use a method other than the “traditional” method.

We also have a Geometry Museum project due on October 12th.

Important Reminders:

• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.

• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.

• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

• Bring a chapter book every day.


Thrilling Thursday!

What a thrilling Thursday! Next week we start the MEAP test. The kids will be testing on the 9th, 10th, 11th, 16th, and 17th. Please make sure your child brings in good books or magazines. The state law mandates that if a student finishes the test early during any testing block, the only thing he/she may do is read. They may not draw or read on an electronic device. In fact, they can’t bring any electronic devices into the room (this is not a rule I usually have so it may be a challenge at first). I took the kids to the library today and will be encouraging them to check things out, but I am hoping you will touch base with them as well. Thank you!!!!

Subjects taught today:

Lang. Arts- Capitalization in our writing

Math – Unit Assessment

Co curricular class: Engage/Gym

Social Studies – Map Skills

Swim Schedule: We swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays

1st Marking Period

Tuesday, September 4 through Friday, September 28:

Frishman, Seley, Maliszewski, and Wallington will be in the GYM.

Butzin, Davis, Harvath, and Parkin will SWIM.

Here is what we have for you today:

We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Go onto Raz Kids and read a book this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

Today we took our unit 1 assessment.

Tonight, students will practice addition/subtraction facts for 10 minutes each using any method they wish. If you child knows their addition/subtraction facts, they should focus on multiplication/division.

Try setting up your own practice quizzes on thatquiz.org. You do not log in to set up practice quizzes. Just click the area you would like to study and click on the no. of questions/level/timing settings you want to try.

To get to thatquiz.org click on the link under Frequently Visited Places:

• Click on your name

• Type in your school password (no username needed)

• Position one hand over the numbers on your keyboard and the other hand to click Enter or Submit with the mouse.

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

JP 42-43 SL 2.6 We are practicing addition and subtraction problems during this unit along with studying number landmarks. I have asked the kids to use the “traditional” method of addition and subtraction no matter what method the directions ask for. This is the method you and I grew up using and it is the method they have all been using since they walked in on the first day of math! Please allow your child to ignore any directions that ask them to use a method other than the “traditional” method. Geometry Museum project due on October 12th.

Important Reminders:

• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.

• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.

• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

• Bring a chapter book every day.


Wonderful Wednesday!

We had an amazing day. This morning I was out of the classroom with District Writing. I had the best report from our guest teacher! Great job class!

Next week we start the MEAP test. The kids will be testing on the 9th, 10th, 11th, 16th, and 17th. Please make sure your child brings in good books or magazines. The state law mandates that if a student finishes the test early during any testing block, the only thing he/she may do is read. They may not draw or read on an electronic device. In fact, they can’t bring any electronic devices into the room (this is not a rule I usually have so it may be a challenge at first). I took the kids to the library today and will be encouraging them to check things out, but I am hoping you will touch base with them as well. Thank you!!!!

Subjects taught today:

Lang. Arts- Time for Kids

Math –Review and Frames and Arrows

Co curricular class: Eng Tech

Social Studies –Library Checkout

Swim Schedule: We swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays

1st Marking Period

Tuesday, September 4 through Friday, September 28:

Frishman, Seley, Maliszewski, and Wallington will be in the GYM.

Butzin, Davis, Harvath, and Parkin will SWIM.

Here is what we have for you today:

We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Go onto Raz Kids and read a book this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

Signed Review due tomorrow-Give yourself 2 minutes to complete the 100 facts on the back page

Unit 1 Test Tomorrow! Students must have the signed review returned and completed in order to take the test!

How to take the online math tests:

Check http://www.thatquiz.org/ on my blog (see below) or, check the link that has been sent to you via your school email. Or, go to Frequently Visited Places. Click on thatquiz.org (for 3rd grade math students)

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

We have two online quizzes due tomorrow. The codes are MAGI1417 and HSDC3293.

We also have a Geometry Museum project due on October 12th. I have seen some rough drafts already and I am excited to see the final products come in!!!!

Important Reminders:

• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.

• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.

• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

• Bring a chapter book every day.


It was a terrific Tuesday! Enjoy our movie from the Nature Center!

Subjects taught today:

Lang. Arts- Book Shopping and Building Stamina

Math – Frames and Arrows and Math Review

Co curricular class: Spanish

Social Studies – Regions and Map Skills

Swim Schedule: We swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays

1st Marking Period

Tuesday, September 4 through Friday, September 28:

Frishman, Seley, Maliszewski, and Wallington will be in the GYM.

Butzin, Davis, Harvath, and Parkin will SWIM.

Here is what we have for you today:

We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Go onto Raz Kids and read a book this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

HL 1.13 due tomorrow (Wednesday)

IXL for 10 minutes (money/time or your choice if you’ve mastered these)

Signed Review due Thursday-Give yourself 2 minutes to complete the 100 facts on the back page

Test Thursday

How to take the online math tests:

Check http://www.thatquiz.org/ on my blog (see below) or, check the link that has been sent to you via your school email. Or, go to Frequently Visited Places. Click on thatquiz.org (for 3rd grade math students)

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

Study link 2.5

JP 39

Take 2 online tests

We also have a Geometry Museum project due on October 12th.

Important Reminders:

• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.

• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.

• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

• Bring a chapter book every day.

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