Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Overview
At BCS, we teach integrated units in which several topics are presented together, often encompassing several disciplines in one unit. There are logical connections of topics throughout the year. It is such a natural, comprehensive way to learn.

Within each unit, we have planned to integrate technology, to allow student choice and differentiation, to provide for challenge, and to reach the multiple intelligences of various student learning styles.

Our curriculum operates on a two-year cycle, meaning that we do different things from year to year so that students have a new curricular experience both years on the 3/4 team.

Parents can get daily curriculum updates by reading our blogs to find out what is going on in our classrooms. Many student materials will not go home (ie. language arts books, writing binders, social studies textbooks). If you have any questions, please email your child’s teacher for more information.


3RD GRADE MATH: Addition/Subtraction of multi-digit numbers, Multiplication/Division of numbers 0-12; multiplication of multi-digit numbers, Money, Time, Linear Measure, Area, Perimeter, Place Value, Decimals (million to thousandth), Geometry (rays, lines, line segments, angles, triangles, polygons, polyhedrons, symmetry, congruence, Fractions, Weight, Volume, Data Collection (mean, median, mode), Probability

4TH GRADE MATH: Problem Solving, Geometry, Graphing, Multiplication, Division, Money and Decimals, Fractions, Percentages and Ratios

School years beginning in ODD number years ( 2013-2014 etc.) = SYSTEMS
School years beginning in EVEN number years ( 2014-2015 etc.) = PATTERNS

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