
Happy 9th Birthday Hailey!!!

Have. A Wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!


Wonderful Wednesday!

If you have a device, you can try downloading the ByteWave app to your device for Friday's media center lesson. This will give you access to our ebook collection.

THIS IS OPTIONAL and the app is free. 
Download this app:  BryteWave K-12 Edition
Username: child’s school username (not the entire email address)
Password:  either the child’s birthday password or their regular district password – try both
URL: wbb0247


4th Grade Planner Reminder

Please remind your current 4th graders that BCS Planner order forms for next school year are due by this Friday, May 8th.  (All 3/4 students receive a planner.  In grades 5-8, students may choose to use either a paper planner or a digital one.)  Here is a link to the form.  http://www.bcsonline.info/Documents/2015-2016_BCS_Planner_PreOrder_Form.pdf

Terrific Tuesday!

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