
Have a Fabulous Weekend!

Ask your child about the cards we made today for someone special!


Today we had BIG smiles for the camera!

We had a great day today!  Remember tomorrow is a late start day with school beginning at 9:48. Get ready for an awesome Tuesday!  



Marvelous Monday!

BCS Character Ed Word of the Week: 
Think about how important it is to be kind in our actions and words. Can you think of times when showing kindness has made you feel better (as well as the person you were kind to)? Are you able to be kind so that everyone feels included and treated fairly? How does it feel to be with people who are kind? What steps have you taken to act with kindness? 

• Bring a chapter book every day!
• School starts at 8:18am Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.
• Bring a water bottle and healthy snacks every day. 

Visit www.bcsonline.info for any/all school information

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