
Have a Fabulous Weekend!

Reflections Contest:  The theme is “What is Your Story?”
·         Deadline for entry is Friday, Nov. 11th
·         Turn in entries to the drop box in the Media Center
·         Rules and entry form available on bcsonline (under What’s New)
·         All participants are invited to a pizza lunch in the spring

The ¾ team is looking for 3 (or more) volunteers per homeroom to help with the ¾ book room.  We are looking for volunteers that can come in 1 hour/ twice a month for help shelve, organize, and label the books in our leveled book room.  Please email Mrs. Harvath if you are interested in volunteering. Ah04bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us

****Halloween is Monday and we have a day of fun!  Please do NOT send your child to school in his/her costume.  Kids will keep costumes in their lockers until 9:45 when they need to change.  We will have a parade at 10am and a party following that in our science lab.  If your child will need help with his/her costume or makeup, please come at 9:45 to assist.  We can’t wait!

Word of the Week:  Collaboration/Teamwork
When you collaborate, you use your strengths for the common good.  Teamwork is the ability to work together to achieve a common goal.  Together Everyone Achieves More!  Go TEAM!

Good afternoon!

Please check your child's Blue Take Home Folder each day to check for mail, homework, and important information.


PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD WITH A WATER BOTTLE!!! This helps a lot, so he/she does not have to leave the room when thirsty! Your child is also welcome to keep healthy snacks in our classroom to eat any time

Your child will have reading homework each night.  They are free to read anything they want as long as it is approved by you!
3rd Grade: 20 minutes 
4th Grade: 30 minutes

3rd Grade Math:
3rd Grade Math: HR 2-2 (home study sheet C)
Xtramath.com - 3 times per week. Complete a full work session, which lasts about 5-10 mins (until Mr. C says you are done!) 
Thatquiz online due Monday – focus on x/4 (practice first!)

To access Think Central:
Go to www.thinkcentral.com (linked under math on this blog)
Log in with this info on the drop down menu:
Birmingham Public School District
Birmingham Covington School
Check the ‘remember me’ box
Username with tc at the start (ex.tcsb07) password  (animal)
Click My Scores - The most recent test will be at the top

4th Grade Math:  Show a parent the work we did on scrap paper for JP 70.  Online tests were   due today.  NO math Monday.  HR 2-12 and 2-13 are due on Tuesday.

Language Arts:  In our reading, we are learning to take charge of our own comprehension.  We are also continuing our writing work on small moments and narratives.  We are also working on envisioning scenes from our reading and trying to write in a way that allows our readers to envision our writing.  We also started reading “Stone Fox” as a class and we are enjoying it!  Finally, in our independent reading time, we are using all of our reading skills to help us improve our reading stamina.  We are working hard!

Social Studies:  We just completed our first unit on social scientists.  We will re-visit social studies soon!

Science:  We love our tower garden!!!  All of our seedlings are all in and we are excited to watch them grow in the tower garden over the next few weeks.  Mint was transplanted from soil to our garden and we are making careful observations as it makes the transition to the aeroponic garden.  We share this garden with other classes who will put the finishing touches on it this week!  We are having the best time learning what successful scientists do!

***Often we post things on our class SeeSaw accounts as well on our Google Classroom accounts.  Ask your child to show you what he/she has done so far!

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