
It was a Terrific Tuesday in room 204! We went to the book fair preview today and everyone is bringing home a write a wish list. I am excited to see you for conferences on Wednesday or Thursday! The class has worked so hard and you are going to be so proud of your child. I can’t wait to see you. For tomorrow, I have the following students scheduled for conferences:

1:00- Izzy
1:20- Emily
2:00- Rhys
2:40- Makayla
3:05- George
5:00- Skylar
5:20- Andrew
6:00- Michael
6:40- Dan
7:05- Ben

Our class is excited about their upcoming Reading Party with the senior citizens at BASCC, located at the Midvale Center, on Thursday, April 23 from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. We will visit BASCC to read our favorite stories and poems to the members and to share refreshments with them. You will be getting a detailed letter of the event tomorrow.

We will need drivers!!! If you would like to drive on April 23, please contact room parent Suzanne Sarkesian, suzanne@jonsarkesian.com, before April 3 or sign up at conferences. Parent drivers, please come to the BCS office at 9:15 on April 23 to complete the necessary driver information. It is also essential that drivers remain with the students during the field trip to assist with name tags, to help pair one or two students with senior citizens and to serve the refreshments.

April 1st and 2nd are half days of school as we have conferences on both days from 1pm-8pm. Dismissal is at 11:20.

The third and fourth graders receive a report card at the end of the year that covers the third and fourth quarters.

Spring Conferences: Students have a copy of your conference time stapled in their planner. Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks!


Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107

Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


We have mail! Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

Here’s what we have for you tonight:

FIELD TRIP LETTER permission slip due tomorrow! There is no cost for this trip.

Paragraph Practice: We will be getting our next one after the break!

We are finishing Poppy on Wednesday and will have an open book test on Wednesday.
3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: We will not be introduced to a new unit until after the break!

Go to http://www.spellingcity.com/ and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Science: We will begin our study of Electricity and Magnetism after the break!

Social Studies: We took our Midwest Quiz today!
Get Midwest Project letter signed today and return the bottom portion signed on Monday!
Midwest Project due April 17th (Friday). It should be uploaded to your WIKI by the 17th.

Visit the following site: http://www.historyglobe.com/ for fun social studies activities.

3rd- Complete handout and get signed and JP 209

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: Review due Wed.; Test Thursday; Study 11 and 12 mult. facts

Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Spanish: 4th Project due April 13th

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the GYM. You will need your GYM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


It was a marvelous Monday in room 204! Our class is excited about their upcoming Reading Party with the senior citizens at BASCC, located at the Midvale Center, on Thursday, April 23 from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. We will visit BASCC to read our favorite stories and poems to the members and to share refreshments with them. You will be getting a detailed letter of the event tomorrow.

We will need drivers!!! If you would like to drive on April 23, please contact room parent Suzanne Sarkesian,
suzanne@jonsarkesian.com, before April 3. Parent drivers, please come to the BCS office at 9:15 on April 23 to complete the necessary driver information. It is also essential that drivers remain with the students during the field trip to assist with name tags, to help pair one or two students with senior citizens and to serve the refreshments.

April 1st and 2nd are half days of school as we have conferences on both days from 1pm-8pm. Dismissal is at 11:20.

The third and fourth graders receive a report card at the end of the year that covers the third and fourth quarters.

Spring Conferences: Students have a copy of your conference time stapled in their planner. Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks!


Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107
Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


Here’s what we have for you tonight:

We have mail!Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

Paragraph Practice: We will be getting our next one after the break!

We are finishing Poppy on Tuesday and will have an open book test on Thursday.
3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: We will not be introduced to a new unit until after the break!

Go to http://www.spellingcity.com/ and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Science: We will begin our study of Electricity and Magnetism after the break!

Social Studies: Get Map Study Guide signature tonight. MIDWEST Map Quiz on Tuesday!
Get Midwest Project letter signed today and return the bottom portion signed on Monday!
Midwest Project due April 17th (Friday). It should be uploaded to your WIKI by the 17th.

Visit the following site: http://www.historyglobe.com/ for fun social studies activities.

3rd- HL 91 and return signed test!

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: Review due Wed.; Test Thursday; JP 270-271; SL 9.9

Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Spanish: 4th Project due April 13th

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the GYM. You will need your GYM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


Today we created new verses to the song “Home, Home on the Range”, as part of our social studies lesson about the Midwest region. Several students were kind enough to sing these new verses for their group and let us videotape them. We will feature them over the next few weeks. Enjoy our new and improved verse!

Please be aware that there is no school on Friday, March 27th as it is the end of the third marking period. Your child will NOT receive a third quarter report card. The third and fourth graders receive a report card at the end of the year that covers the third and fourth quarters. April 1st and 2nd are half days of school as we have conferences on both days from 1pm-8pm. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD HAS PENCILS AND A SHARPENER IN HIS/HER BINDER!!!

Spring Conferences: Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks!

Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107
Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


Here’s what we have for you tonight:

We have mail!Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

Paragraph Practice: We will be getting our next one after the break!


3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: We will not be introduced to a new unit until after the break!

Go to http://www.spellingcity.com/ and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Science: We will begin our study of Electricity and Magnetism after the break!

Social Studies: Get Map Study Guide signature tonight. Quiz on Tuesday!
Get Midwest Project letter signed today and return the bottom portion signed on Monday!
Midwest Project due April 17th (Friday)

Visit the following site: http://www.historyglobe.com/ for fun social studies activities.

3rd- Get math test signed and return on Monday; Study multiplication facts 6-9 for 15 minutes!

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: JP 261, 268 and 268; SL 9.8
Study multiplication facts 6-9 for 10 minutes.
Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Spanish: 4th Project due April 13th

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the GYM. You will need your GYM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


Today your kids worked so hard. We had the best time learning about the Farm State of Iowa, Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota, Michigan’s Soo Locks, and the Gateway to the West on our Crop Duster Tour of the Midwest. Poppy really got interesting today as we met a fake owl. Ask your child to share with you the details!

Please be aware that there is no school on Friday, March 27th as it is the end of the third marking period. Your child will NOT receive a third quarter report card. The third and fourth graders receive a report card at the end of the year that covers the third and fourth quarters. April 1st and 2nd are half days of school as we have conferences on both days from 1pm-8pm.


Last week, Mr. Johannson sent home a permission slip for Jump Rope for Heart. Please send that in!

Spring Conferences: Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks!

Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107
Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


Here’s what we have for you tonight:
We have mail!
Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!
Paragraph Practice: We will be getting our next one after the break!
3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: We will not be introduced to a new unit until after the break!

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Science: We will begin our study of Electricity and Magnetism after the break!

Social Studies: Get Map Study Guide signature tonight. Quiz on Tuesday!
We are enjoying our Crop Duster Tour of the Midwest.
Visit the following site: http://www.historyglobe.com/ for fun social studies activities.

3rd- Finish HL 8.7; Finish MB 8.7 and 8.8; Get 8.9 signed

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: SL 9.1 due Thursday; JP 266; SL 9.7
Study multiplication facts 6-9 for 10 minutes.
Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the GYM. You will need your GYM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


Today was a TERRIFIC TUESDAY! We are getting ready to go on a Crop Duster to the Midwest states. Our first stop tomorrow is the Gateway to the West, St. Louis, Missouri!
Jump Rope for Heart for The American Heart Association starts during P.E. next weekStudents will receive a hand out and collection envelope next week.Please note that all classes will be in the gym from March 23rd-31st.

Spring Conferences: Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks!

Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107
Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


Here’s what we have for you tonight:

We have mail!Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

Paragraph Practice: None

3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: We took our test today. We will no spelling until after spring break.

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

3rd- Finish HL 8.7; Finish MB 8.7 and 8.8; Get 8.9 signed

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

SL 9.5 and 9.6; JP 260; Survey due Thursday.
Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the GYM. You will need your GYM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


Happy Monday! We had a great day today!! I heard that many of your kids went to the Blast and had a great time. Thanks so much for supporting BCS! The 3/4 team really appreciates you!!!

We began the day with Language Arts. Our focus this morning was sufficient suffixes and new vocabulary for Poppy. We also worked with our tech buddy on organizing our Wikis for conferences. The third graders learned reviewed for the unit 8 assessment tomorrow. After lunch, the students completed their planners and took the southeast region quiz on Moodle and our spelling test! Co-curricular classes today were Ed. Tech and Spanish.

Jump Rope for Heart for The American Heart Association starts during P.E. next week
Students will receive a hand out and collection envelope next week.
Please note that all classes will be in the gym from March 23rd-31st.

Spring Conferences: Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks!

Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107
Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


Here’s what we have for you tonight:

We have mail!

Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

Paragraph Practice: None

3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: We took our test today. We will no spelling until after spring break.

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

3rd- Finish HL 8.7; Finish MB 8.7 and 8.8 Review for unit 8 due Tuesday SIGNED by a parent! Test Tuesday!

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

SL 9.3 and 9.4; JP 256-257; Survey due Thursday. Study for Pop Quiz;
Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the GYM. You will need your GYM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


Spirit Week has been awesome! We began the day with Language Arts. The students enjoyed reading the chapter "On the Way to New House" in the novel, Poppy. Then, they answered comprehension questions and defined the main character’s personality traits. Next, was Math. The third graders learned about the coolness of mixed fractions. After lunch, the students completed their planners and worked with a tech buddy on our wiki uploads! We continued with social studies and learning about the long growing season and the dangerous weather in the Southeast region of the United States. Co-curricular classes today were Gym and Art.

The BCS Blast is approaching…Fun , fun, FUN!.. THIS SUNDAY 3:30pm-7:30pm!
We a fabulous class basket to bid on plus all the other wonderful items available in the Silent auction! It is sure to be an amazing Sunday venture!

Jump Rope for Heart for The American Heart Association starts during P.E. next week
Students will receive a hand out and collection envelope next week.
Please note that all classes will be in the gym from March 23rd-31st.

Spring Conferences: Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference.

Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107
Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.

Here’s what we have for you tonight:
We have mail!
Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!
Paragraph Practice: None
3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: Test date Monday, March 23; Spelling handout signed; Go to Spelling city.com and play 3-5 games with your new words!

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

3rd- Finish HL 8.7; Review for unit 8 due Monday SIGNED by a parent! Test Tuesday!
Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

JP 252-254 SL 9.2 Yesterday, your child received information about a “pop” quiz that will be given sometime next week. Please make sure he/she shares this with you. The second side of SL 9.1 is due on Thursday, March 26th.
Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the POOL. You will need your SWIM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


We began the day with Language Arts. The students enjoyed reading a very interesting chapter of the novel, Poppy. Then, they answered comprehension questions and defined the main character’s personality traits. It is encouraging to find that after reading this novel, many students are interested in reading other books in the series written by Avi (such as, Ragweed or Poppy and Rye) Next, was Math. The third graders worked on solving number stories with fractions. After lunch, the students completed their planners. They have been filming their goal reflections for their student led conference throughout the day. We continued with social studies and learning about the Southeast region of the United States. Co-curricular class today was Spanish.

The BCS Blast is approaching…Fun , fun, FUN!.. THIS SUNDAY 3:30pm-7:30pm!
We a fabulous class basket to bid on plus all the other wonderful items available in the Silent auction! It is sure to be an amazing Sunday venture!

This week (March 16-20) is Spirit Week! Dress up all week to show your BCS Blast Spirit.
Monday (March 16th)Pajama Day
Tuesday (March 17th) Hat Day
Wednesday (March 18th) Sports/College Team Day
Thursday (March 19th) Crazy Neon day (hair/hat/clothes)
Friday (March 20th) Hero day (super hero or real life)

Jump Rope for Heart for The American Heart Association starts during P.E. next week
Students will receive a hand out and collection envelope next week.
Please note that all classes will be in the gym from March 23rd-31st.

Spring Conferences: Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks!

Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom Mrs. Richter! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107

Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.

Here’s what we have for you tonight:
We have mail!
Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!
Paragraph Practice: None
3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: Test date Monday, March 23; Spelling handout signed; Go to Spelling city.com and play 3-5 games with your new words!

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

3rd- Review for unit 8 due Monday SIGNED by a parent! Test Tuesday! HL 8.8 due Friday

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

Your child received information about a “pop” quiz that will be given sometime next week. Please make sure he/she shares this with you. JP 248-251. On JP 251 you can skip problem #4. The first side of SL 9.1 is due tomorrow. The second side of it is due on Thursday, March 26th. When you complete the second side of SL 9.1, be sure to ask 5 people each survey question. Please do not ask more or less than five people! Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for details!

Science: We start our unit on Electricity and Magnetism right after spring break!

Social Studies: We finished presenting our southeast projects and they were fantastic! Now we will study the geography of the southeast! Ask your child how elevation, fall line, and natural resources affect life in the southeast region!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the POOL. You will need your SWIM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


Today we had a great time celebrating our teams! After enjoying a very interesting chapter in the novel ” Poppy” , we enjoyed learning about equivalent fractions in a fun third grade math game. After lunch, we explored the geography of the Southeast Region of the US, and then we were off to the science lab to explore owl pellets with Mrs. Pepper from the Environmental Center. This was so exciting as you can see in the video. We are bringing our bones home today in a plastic baggie for you to see.

The BCS Blast is approaching…Fun , fun, FUN!.. THIS SUNDAY 3:30pm-7:30pm!
We a fabulous class basket to bid on plus all the other wonderful items available in the Silent auction.

This week (March 16-20) is Spirit Week! Dress up all week to show your BCS Blast Spirit.
Monday (March 16th)Pajama Day
Tuesday (March 17th) Hat Day
Wednesday (March 18th) Sports/College Team Day
Thursday (March 19th) Crazy Neon day (hair/hat/clothes)
Friday (March 20th) Hero day (super hero or real life)

Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd The students attend school for half days on both dates. They do need to attend their conference with a parent.The sign-up sheet is now posted outside the classroom door.
Please sign up for a time slot at your earliest convenience. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you!

Jump Rope for Heart for The American Heart Association starts during P.E. next week
Students will receive a hand out and collection envelope next week.
Please note that all classes will be in the gym from March 23rd-31st.

Spring Conferences: Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. hanks!

Please remember that you that you can go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107
Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


Here’s what we have for you tonight:

We have mail!
Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!
Paragraph Practice: “Television” was Due Tuesday, March 17th …make sure it is uploaded to your Wiki!

3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: Test date Monday, March 23; Spelling handout signed; Go to Spelling city.com and play 3-5 games with your new words!

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Complete both handouts and get a parent signature! Have a parent time you and record the score at the bottom of the page with a signature!
Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the POOL. You will need your SWIM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Today we had a great time working and celebrating in our cool hats. Tomorrow is Sports/College Team Day! Come to school wearing your favorite team colors!

Did you sign up for a conference time?
The conference sign-up for spring conferences has been up since Tuesday, and it looks like I am still missing a few. Please come in to sign up when you get a chance! Remember, this conference is STUDENT -LED so please pick a time when your child is available!

Jump Rope for Heart…
The ¾’s will be jumping during their PE Classes on March 30 and 31.
March 31 Frishman & Butzin 1:35-2:20 (Mr. William Johansson)

Spring Conferences: Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks!

BOOK ORDERS: Mrs. Richter is sending home March book order magazines and they are due Friday March 13. Please remember that you that you can go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!

Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107
Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


Here’s what we have for you tonight:

We have mail!

Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

Paragraph Practice: “Television” was Due Tuesday, March 17th Make sure it is uploaded to your Wiki!

3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Social Studies:

Southeast Region Advertisement was due Monday: This project needs to be uploaded to your wiki by Monday, March 16th; Students have a green letter to share to get signed by a parent tonight.

Spelling: Test date Monday, March 23; Spelling handout signed; Go to Spelling city.com and play 3-5 games with your new words!

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

3rd- Study facts 7-9 for 10 minutes or facts that you need to practice!
Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: Review due tomorrow! Test tomorrow! Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the POOL. You will need your SWIM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


We were so comfy today in our PJs, and we worked so hard! Tomorrow is green day and hat day! You could wear green hat!
Today the southeast region map quiz is coming home today. Spelling did count on the test as you had a word bank. Students should return the signed quiz tomorrow.

Did you sign up for a conference time?
The conference sign-up for spring conferences has been up since Tuesday, and it looks like I am still missing a few. Please come in to sign up when you get a chance! Remember, this conference is STUDENT -LED so please pick a time when your child is available!

Jump Rope for Heart…
The ¾’s will be jumping during their PE Classes on March 30 and 31.
March 31 Frishman & Butzin 1:35-2:20 (Mr. William Johansson)

Spring Conferences:
Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks!

Mrs. Richter is sending home March book order magazines and they are due Friday March 13. Please remember that you that you can go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107

A Word from Our Wonderful Room Moms:
The BCS auction is coming up and we will be in need of some volunteers to help out with either serving food or playing games. I think they are 1/2 hour increments. I will send you the time slots that need to be filled, and if you are available for one of them, you can "reply all" to lets us know what you are available to do. Thanks so much for all of your help!, Butzin Room Moms

Need help uploading to your wiki?
Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.

Here’s what we have for you tonight:

We have mail!

Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

Paragraph Practice: “Television” Due Tuesday, March 17th Reading:

3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Social Studies:
Get map quiz signed and return tomorrow!

Southeast Region Advertisement was due Monday: This project needs to be uploaded to your wiki by Monday, March 16th; Students have a green letter to share to get signed by a parent tonight.

Spelling: Test date Monday, March 23; Spelling handout signed; Go to Spelling city.com and play 3-5 games with your new words!

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

3rd- HL 8.6 (both sides) Study facts 6-7 for 10 minutes or facts that you need to practice!
Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: Review due Tuesday! Test Wednesday! Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the POOL. You will need your SWIM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


It was a great week in room 204! Have a great weekend!
Choice hour forms are due today by 4:00pm.

Did you sign up for a conference time?
The conference sign-up for spring conferences has been up since Tuesday, and it looks like I am still missing a few. Please come in to sign up when you get a chance! Remember, this conference is STUDENT -LED so please pick a time when your child is available!

Jump Rope for Heart…
The ¾’s will be jumping during their PE Classes on March 30 and 31.

March 31 Frishman & Butzin 1:35-2:20 (Mr. William Johansson)

Spring Conferences: Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks!

BOOK ORDERS: Mrs. Richter is sending home March book order magazines and they are due Friday March 13. Please remember that you that you can go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107

A Word from Our Wonderful Room Moms:
The BCS auction is coming up and we will be in need of some volunteers to help out with either serving food or playing games. I think they are 1/2 hour increments. I will send you the time slots that need to be filled, and if you are available for one of them, you can "reply all" to lets us know what you are available to do. Thanks so much for all of your help!, Butzin Room Moms

Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


Here’s what we have for you tonight:

Choice Hour Selections: Due March 13th

We have mail! Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Social Studies:

Southeast Region Advertisement: This project needs to be uploaded to your wiki by Monday, March 16th; Students have a green letter to share to get signed by a parent tonight.

Social Studies homework is to play the Jamestown Online Adventure. To earn the extra credit, YOU MUST print off the report of the State of Your Colony and return it to school Friday March 13rd.The site is: http://www.historyglobe.com/jamestown/

Spelling: Test date Monday, March 23; Spelling handout signed; Go to Spelling city.com and play 3-5 games with your new words!

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Paragraph Practice: “Television” Due Tuesday, March 17th

3rd- HL 8.5 (both sides) Go to Kidzone or play DS multiplication for 10 minutes!
Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: JP 240-243 and SL 8.7; (DUE MONDAY); Review due Tuesday! Test Wednesday! Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the POOL. You will need your SWIM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


Our Fieldtrip to Cranbrook Museum was fabulous! A big thank you to the following parents who joined us for this super event: Ms.Diane Williams, Ms. Mollison, Ms. Dean, Ms. Afrakhteh, Ms. Clay, Ms. Hoppen, Ms. O’Toole, Ms. Skornicka, and Ms. Henninger. We could not have done it without you! We learned so much about light and sound and magnetism and electricity. We want to share a bit with you in video….enjoy!

Choice hour forms for the fourth quarter were put in your child’s mailbox Monday! Can you believe we are getting ready for the fourth quarter already?!!! These forms are due tomorrow by 4:00pm.The conference sign-up for spring conferences has been up since Tuesday, and it looks like I am still missing a few. Please come in to sign up when you get a chance! Remember, this conference is STUDENT -LED so please pick a time when your child is available!

Spring Conferences: Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks!

BOOK ORDERS: Mrs. Richter is sending home March book order magazines and they are due Friday March 13. Please remember that you that you can go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107

A Word from Our Wonderful Room Moms:
The BCS auction is coming up and we will be in need of some volunteers to help out with either serving food or playing games. I think they are 1/2 hour increments. I will send you the time slots that need to be filled, and if you are available for one of them, you can "reply all" to lets us know what you are available to do. Thanks so much for all of your help!, Butzin Room Moms

Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


Here’s what we have for you tonight:

Choice Hour Selections: Due March 13th

We have mail!Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Social Studies:

We are taking our southeast region and map quiz on Friday! Bring study guide signed Friday!

Southeast Region Advertisement: This project needs to be uploaded to your wiki by Monday, March 16th; Students have a green letter to share to get signed by a parent tonight.

Social Studies homework is to play the Jamestown Online Adventure. To earn the extra credit, YOU MUST print off the report of the State of Your Colony and return it to school Friday March 13rd.The site is: http://www.historyglobe.com/jamestown/

Spelling: Test date Monday, March 23; Spelling handout signed; Go to Spelling city.com and play 3-5 games with your new words!

Go to http://www.spellingcity.com/ and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Paragraph Practice: “Television” Due Tuesday, March 17th

3rd- HL 8.4 Due Friday; Go to Kidzone or play DS multiplication for 10 minutes!
Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: JP 240-243 and SL 8.7; (DUE FRIDAY) Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the POOL. You will need your SWIM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


Tomorrow we are going to Cranbrook! We will be leaving at 9:30 and arriving back around 1:15pm. Please pack your child a disposable plastic bag lunch with drink that day! Please have your name on it!
Chaperones meet at 9:15a.m. in the media center with Sue Reepmeyer to collect their agenda/folders for the fieldtrip.

Today there was one disappointment for your kids. Apparently, the Environmental Center did not order our owl pellets on time so they did not come in. We were supposed to dissect them today, but it will have to wait until next week. While the kids were definitely disappointed, they handled it well. I was disappointed too and I can’t wait until we can have our owl pellets next week!

Choice hour forms for the fourth quarter were put in your child’s mailbox Monday! Can you believe we are getting ready for the fourth quarter already?!!! These forms are due by Friday at 4:00pm.

The conference sign-up for spring conferences has been up since Tuesday, and it looks like I am still missing a few. Please come in to sign up when you get a chance! Remember, this conference is STUDENT -LED so please pick a time when your child is available!

Spring Conferences: Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks!

Our Fieldtrip to Cranbrook Museum is coming up… We will be going by BUS on Thursday March 12th. The following parents have signed up as chaperones: Ms.Diane Williams, Ms. Mollison, Ms. Dean, Ms. Afrakhteh, Ms. Clay, Ms. Hoppen, Ms. O’Toole, Ms. Skornicka, and Ms. Henninger. If you have a conflict with the date of the fieldtrip and can no longer make it, please contact Ms. Sarkesian so she can arrange for someone to cover. Thank you!

BOOK ORDERS: Mrs. Richter is sending home March book order magazines and they are due Friday March 13. Please remember that you that you can go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107

A Word from Our Wonderful Room Moms:
The BCS auction is coming up and we will be in need of some volunteers to help out with either serving food or playing games. I think they are 1/2 hour increments. I will send you the time slots that need to be filled, and if you are available for one of them, you can "reply all" to lets us know what you are available to do. Thanks so much for all of your help!, Butzin Room Moms

BLAST… For the BCS auction, each classroom has been asked to donate a "theme" basket. Our classroom theme will be a Family Fun Night. We will fill the basket with games, crafts, movie tickets, etc. Whatever you think would be fun for a family with school age children. We are asking that each family, that is able to do so, make a single donation. The donation can be anything from a deck of cards to movie tickets, to popcorn. We will have a box in the classroom labeled auction items. Your child may bring the item to school and place it in the box. If you could please let us know what your donation item will be, so that we do not have duplicates, that would be helpful. Just jot down the name of the item and then click on "reply all". (submitted by Dorothy Sagante)

Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.

Here’s what we have for you tonight:

Choice Hour Selections: Due March 13th
We have mail!
Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!
3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Social Studies:

We are taking our southeast region and map quiz on Friday!

Southeast Region Advertisement: This project needs to be uploaded to your wiki by Monday, March 16th; Students have a green letter to share to get signed by a parent tonight.

Social Studies homework is to play the Jamestown Online Adventure. To earn the extra credit, YOU MUST print off the report of the State of Your Colony and return it to school Friday March 13rd.
The site is: http://www.historyglobe.com/jamestown/

Spelling: Test date Monday, March 23; Spelling handout signed; Go to Spelling city.com and play 3-5 games with your new words!

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Paragraph Practice: “Television” Due Tuesday, March 17th

3rd- HL 8.4 Due Friday; Go to kidzone or paly DS multiplication for 10 minutes!
Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: JP 240-243 and SL 8.7; (DUE FRIDAY) Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the POOL. You will need your SWIM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


It was a Terrific Tuesday IN ROOM 204! Everyone worked very hard today and we accomplished a lot! We are very busy in the next few weeks before spring break, so please help your child plan out his/her homework time!

Choice hour forms for the fourth quarter were put in your child’s mailbox Monday! Can you believe we are getting ready for the fourth quarter already?!!! These forms are due by Friday at 4:00pm.

The conference sign-up for spring conferences has been up since Tuesday, and it looks like I am still missing a few. Please come in to sign up when you get a chance! Remember, this conference is STUDENT -LED so please pick a time when your child is available!On Thursday we are going to Cranbrook! We will be leaving at 9:30 and arriving back around 1:15pm. Please pack your child a brown-bag lunch that day!

Our Fieldtrip to Cranbrook Museum is coming up… We will be going by bus on Thursday March 12th. Chaperones meet at 9:15a.m. in the media center with Sue Reepmeyer to collect their agenda/folders for the fieldtrip.

Spring Conferences: Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks!

Our Fieldtrip to Cranbrook Museum is coming up… We will be going by BUS on Thursday March 12th. The following parents have signed up as chaperones: Ms.Diane Williams, Ms. Werthmann, Ms. Mollison, Ms. Dean, Ms. Afrakhteh, Ms. Clay, Ms. Hoppen, Ms. O’Toole, Ms. Skornicka, and Ms. Henninger. Chaperones meet at 9:15a.m. in the media center with Sue Reepmeyer to collect their agenda/folders for the fieldtrip. If you have a conflict with the date of the fieldtrip and can no longer make it, please contact Ms. Sarkesian so she can arrange for someone to cover. Thank you!

BOOK ORDERS: Mrs. Richter is sending home March book order magazines and they are due Friday March 13. Please remember that you that you can go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107

A Word from Our Wonderful Room Moms:
The BCS auction is coming up and we will be in need of some volunteers to help out with either serving food or playing games. I think they are 1/2 hour increments. I will send you the time slots that need to be filled, and if you are available for one of them, you can "reply all" to lets us know what you are available to do. Thanks so much for all of your help!, Butzin Room Moms

BLAST… For the BCS auction, each classroom has been asked to donate a "theme" basket. Our classroom theme will be a Family Fun Night. We will fill the basket with games, crafts, movie tickets, etc. Whatever you think would be fun for a family with school age children. We are asking that each family, that is able to do so, make a single donation. The donation can be anything from a deck of cards to movie tickets, to popcorn. We will have a box in the classroom labeled auction items. Your child may bring the item to school and place it in the box. If you could please let us know what your donation item will be, so that we do not have duplicates, that would be helpful. Just jot down the name of the item and then click on "reply all". (submitted by Dorothy Sagante)

Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


Here’s what we have for you tonight:

Choice Hour Selections: Due March 13th

Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Social Studies:
We are taking our southeast region and map quiz on Friday! We reviewd in class.

Southeast Region Advertisement: This project needs to be uploaded to your wiki by Monday, March 16th; Students have a green letter to share to get signed by a parent tonight.

Social Studies homework is to play the Jamestown Online Adventure. To earn the extra credit, YOU MUST print off the report of the State of Your Colony and return it to school Friday March 13rd.The site is: http://www.historyglobe.com/jamestown/

Spelling: Test date Monday, March 23; Spelling handout signed; Go to Spelling city.com and play 3-5 games with your new words!

Go to http://www.spellingcity.com/ and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Paragraph Practice: “Television” Due Tuesday, March 17th

3rd- HL 8.3
Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: JP 240-243 and SL 8.7; (DUE FRIDAY) Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the POOL. You will need your SWIM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


Spring Conferences: Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks!

Our Fieldtrip to Cranbrook Museum is coming up… We will be going by BUS on Thursday March 12th. The following parents have signed up as chaperones: Ms.Diane Williams, Ms. Werthmann, Ms. Mollison, Ms. Dean, Ms. Afrakhteh, Ms. Clay, Ms. Hoppen, Ms. O’Toole, Ms. Skornicka, and Ms. Henninger. If you have a conflict with the date of the fieldtrip and can no longer make it, please contact Ms. Sarkesian so she can arrange for someone to cover. Thank you!

BOOK ORDERS: Mrs. Richter is sending home March book order magazines and they are due Friday March 13. Please remember that you that you can go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107

A Word from Our Wonderful Room Moms:
The BCS auction is coming up and we will be in need of some volunteers to help out with either serving food or playing games. I think they are 1/2 hour increments. I will send you the time slots that need to be filled, and if you are available for one of them, you can "reply all" to lets us know what you are available to do. Thanks so much for all of your help!, Butzin Room Moms

BLAST… For the BCS auction, each classroom has been asked to donate a "theme" basket. Our classroom theme will be a Family Fun Night. We will fill the basket with games, crafts, movie tickets, etc. Whatever you think would be fun for a family with school age children. We are asking that each family, that is able to do so, make a single donation. The donation can be anything from a deck of cards to movie tickets, to popcorn. We will have a box in the classroom labeled auction items. Your child may bring the item to school and place it in the box. If you could please let us know what your donation item will be, so that we do not have duplicates, that would be helpful. Just jot down the name of the item and then click on "reply all". (submitted by Dorothy Sagante)

Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.

Here’s what we have for you tonight:
Choice Hour Selections: Due March 13th
We have mail!Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!
3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Social Studies:
Social Studies homework is to play the Jamestown Online Adventure. To earn the extra credit, YOU MUST print off the report of the State of Your Colony and return it to school Wednesday March 3rd.The site is: http://www.historyglobe.com/jamestown/

Southeast Region Advertisement: This project needs to be uploaded to your wiki by Monday, March 16th; Students have a green letter to share to get signed by a parent tonight.

Spelling: We took our spelling test today! Go to Spelling city.com and play 3-5 games with your new words!

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Paragraph Practice: “Television” Due Tuesday, March 17th

3rd- HL 8.2; Complete JP 8.2; Get classwork handout signed and explain it to parents!
Practice multiplication facts for 10 minutes using kidzone (complete 100 problems) or play your math DS game!
Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: JP 236-238 and SL 8.6; Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the POOL. You will need your SWIM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


It was a Fantabulous Friday in room 204! We learned so much about the southeast region of the US and enjoyed reading chapter 3 in Poppy.

Spring Conferences: Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks!

Our Fieldtrip to Cranbrook Museum is coming up… We will be going by BUS on Thursday March 12th. The following parents have signed up as chaperones: Ms.Diane Williams, Ms. Werthmann, Ms. Mollison, Ms. Dean, Ms. Afrakhteh, Ms. Clay, Ms. Hoppen, Ms. O’Toole, Ms. Skornicka, and Ms. Henninger. If you have a conflict with the date of the fieldtrip and can no longer make it, please contact Ms. Sarkesian so she can arrange for someone to cover. Thank you!

BOOK ORDERS: Mrs. Richter is sending home March book order magazines and they are due Friday March 13. Please remember that you that you can go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!

Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107

A Word from Our Wonderful Room Moms:
The BCS auction is coming up and we will be in need of some volunteers to help out with either serving food or playing games. I think they are 1/2 hour increments. I will send you the time slots that need to be filled, and if you are available for one of them, you can "reply all" to lets us know what you are available to do. Thanks so much for all of your help!, Butzin Room Moms

BLAST… For the BCS auction, each classroom has been asked to donate a "theme" basket. Our classroom theme will be a Family Fun Night. We will fill the basket with games, crafts, movie tickets, etc. Whatever you think would be fun for a family with school age children. We are asking that each family, that is able to do so, make a single donation. The donation can be anything from a deck of cards to movie tickets, to popcorn. We will have a box in the classroom labeled auction items. Your child may bring the item to school and place it in the box. If you could please let us know what your donation item will be, so that we do not have duplicates, that would be helpful. Just jot down the name of the item and then click on "reply all". (submitted by Dorothy Sagante)

Here’s what we have for you tonight:
We have mail!Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!
3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: Test and /Homework Handout due Monday, March 9th; Go to Spelling city.com and play 3-5 games with your new words!

Go to http://www.spellingcity.com/ and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Paragraph Practice: “Television” Due Tuesday, March 17th

3rd- HL 8.1; Practice multiplication facts for 10 minutes using kidzone (complete 100 problems) or play your math DS game!
Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: JP 232-235 and SL 8.5; Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the POOL. You will need your SWIM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


We began the day with Language Arts. The students listened to chapter 2 today. We discussed the text and completed comprehension and vocabulary activities. This afternoon, we previewed the southeast region of the US. We took the Northeast region online quiz this afternoon. This afternoon we concluded the animal powerpoint presentations. These are posted on moodle for you to view!

Spring Conferences:
Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks!

Our Fieldtrip to Cranbrook Museum is coming up…
We will be going by BUS on Thursday March 12th. The following parents have signed up as chaperones: Ms.Diane Williams, Ms. Leitao, Ms. Mollison, Ms. Dean, Ms. Afrakhteh, Ms. Clay, Ms. Hoppen, Ms. O’Toole, Ms. Skornicka, and Ms. Henninger. If you have a conflict with the date of the fieldtrip and can no longer make it, please contact Ms. Sarkesian so she can arrange for someone to cover. Thank you!

Mrs. Richter is sending home March book order magazines and they are due Friday March 13. Please remember that you that you can go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!

Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107

A Word from Our Wonderful Room Moms:
The BCS auction is coming up and we will be in need of some volunteers to help out with either serving food or playing games. I think they are 1/2 hour increments. I will send you the time slots that need to be filled, and if you are available for one of them, you can "reply all" to lets us know what you are available to do. Thanks so much for all of your help!, Butzin Room Moms

BLAST… For the BCS auction, each classroom has been asked to donate a "theme" basket. Our classroom theme will be a Family Fun Night. We will fill the basket with games, crafts, movie tickets, etc. Whatever you think would be fun for a family with school age children. We are asking that each family, that is able to do so, make a single donation. The donation can be anything from a deck of cards to movie tickets, to popcorn. We will have a box in the classroom labeled auction items. Your child may bring the item to school and place it in the box. If you could please let us know what your donation item will be, so that we do not have duplicates, that would be helpful. Just jot down the name of the item and then click on "reply all". (submitted by Dorothy Sagante)

Here’s what we have for you tonight:
Field Trip permission slips are due on or before March 6 with $20.
We have mail!Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: Test and /Homework Handout due Monday, March 9th; Go to Spelling city.com and play 3-5 games with your new words!

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Paragraph Practice: “Television” Due Tuesday, March 17th

Cranbrook field trip letter due 3/6/09 with $20.

3rd- Practice multiplication facts for 10 minutes using kidzone (complete 100 problems) or play your math DS game!
Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: JP 229-231 and SL 8.4; Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the POOL. You will need your SWIM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


We began the day with Language Arts. The students listened to chapter 1 yesterday and today. We discussed the text and completed comprehension and vocabulary activities. This afternoon, we reviewed the northeast region in class. Ask your child to tell you about the meaning of Boswash! Tomorrow we are going to take an online quiz. We are enjoying the animal powerpoint presentations so much. These are posted on moodle and we plan to finish all presentations tomorrow!

Spring Conferences: Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks!

Fieldtrip to Cranbrook Museum: We will be going by BUS on Thursday March 12th. The following parents have signed up as chaperones: Ms.Diane Williams, Ms. Leitao, Ms. Mollison, Ms. Dean, Ms. Afrakhteh, Ms. Clay, Ms. Hoppen, Ms. O’Toole, Ms. Skornicka, and Ms. Henninger. If you have a conflict with the date of the fieldtrip and can no longer make it, please contact Ms. Sarkesian so she can arrange for someone to cover. Thank you!

BOOK ORDERS: Mrs. Richter is sending home March book order magazines and they are due Friday March 13. Please remember that you that you can go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107

A Word from Our Wonderful Room Moms:
The BCS auction is coming up and we will be in need of some volunteers to help out with either serving food or playing games. I think they are 1/2 hour increments. I will send you the time slots that need to be filled, and if you are available for one of them, you can "reply all" to lets us know what you are available to do. Thanks so much for all of your help!, Butzin Room Moms

BLAST… For the BCS auction, each classroom has been asked to donate a "theme" basket. Our classroom theme will be a Family Fun Night. We will fill the basket with games, crafts, movie tickets, etc. Whatever you think would be fun for a family with school age children. We are asking that each family, that is able to do so, make a single donation. The donation can be anything from a deck of cards to movie tickets, to popcorn. We will have a box in the classroom labeled auction items. Your child may bring the item to school and place it in the box. If you could please let us know what your donation item will be, so that we do not have duplicates, that would be helpful. Just jot down the name of the item and then click on "reply all". (submitted by Dorothy Sagante)

Here’s what we have for you tonight:
Field Trip permission slips are due on or before March 6 with $20.

We have mail!
Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!
3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: Test and /Homework Handout due Monday, March 9th; Go to Spelling city.com and play 3-5 games with your new words!

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Paragraph Practice: “Television” Due Tuesday, March 17th

Cranbrook field trip letter due 3/6/09 with $20.

3rd- H. Link 7.9 –Family letter. Please read this letter and have a parent initial it and tear out the back page.
Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: JP 227-228 and SL 8.3; Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for details!

3rd Grade Spanish:
We are working on a family unit—La familia. I am hoping that parents can email me family pictures for the students to use in a Power Point presentation. I prefer jpeg or bmp files—nothing in a Microsoft word document, please. Students are going to write about five family members including themselves—very simple, as in: ésta es mi mamá. Se llama Joan. (This is my mother. Her name is Joan.) Pets are allowed. They may include grandparents, cousins, etc., but they must include all siblings. My email is kw11bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us Kalyn Wulatin

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the POOL. You will need your SWIM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


Today was truly a very special day because of all of you and your amazing kids! When I got to school, we enjoyed a birthday treat from Dunkin Donuts and beautiful pink tulips from Emma! Then Ms. Mollison and Kenzie made brownies for the entire class in honor of my birthday. We enjoyed those yummy treats while reading all of the creative birthday cards that the class made. After lunch the class, Mrs. Frishman and Mr. Wallington surprised me with a special birthday movie! It was so awesome and a tremendous surprise. Thank you everyone for making my day so amazing! It was very special and will be a birthday I will always remember!!!

Spring Conferences: The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks for coming in to sign up!

Our Fieldtrip to Cranbrook Museum is coming up… We will be going by BUS on Thursday March 12th. The following parents have signed up as chaperones: Ms.Diane Williams, Ms. Leitao, Ms. Mollison, Ms. Dean, Ms. Afrakhteh, Ms. Clay, Ms. Hoppen, Ms. O’Toole, Ms. Skornicka, and Ms. Henninger. If you have a conflict with the date of the fieldtrip and can no longer make it, please contact Ms. Sarkesian so she can arrange for someone to cover. Thank you!

A Word from Our Wonderful Room Moms:
The BCS auction is coming up and we will be in need of some volunteers to help out with either serving food or playing games. I think they are 1/2 hour increments. I will send you the time slots that need to be filled, and if you are available for one of them, you can "reply all" to lets us know what you are available to do. Thanks so much for all of your help!, Butzin Room Moms

BLAST… For the BCS auction, each classroom has been asked to donate a "theme" basket. Our classroom theme will be a Family Fun Night. We will fill the basket with games, crafts, movie tickets, etc. Whatever you think would be fun for a family with school age children. We are asking that each family, that is able to do so, make a single donation. The donation can be anything from a deck of cards to movie tickets, to popcorn. We will have a box in the classroom labeled auction items. Your child may bring the item to school and place it in the box. If you could please let us know what your donation item will be, so that we do not have duplicates, that would be helpful. Just jot down the name of the item and then click on "reply all". (submitted by Dorothy Sagante)

Here’s what we have for you tonight:
Field Trip permission slips are due on or before March 6 with $20.

We have mail!
Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!
3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: Test and /Homework Handout due Monday, March 9th; Go to Spelling city.com and play 3-5 games with your new words!

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

Paragraph Practice “Television”: Due Tuesday, March 17th

Cranbrook field trip letter due 3/6/09 w/ 20.
Owl pellet permission slip due Friday!

3rd- MB 7.5; Test tomorrow; Review due tomorrow signed; Complete handout and return tomorrow

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: JP 227-228; SL 83 (all due Thursday)

3rd Grade Spanish:
We are working on a family unit—La familia. I am hoping that parents can email me family pictures for the students to use in a Power Point presentation. I prefer jpeg or bmp files—nothing in a Microsoft word document, please. Students are going to write about five family members including themselves—very simple, as in: ésta es mi mamá. Se llama Joan. (This is my mother. Her name is Joan.) Pets are allowed. They may include grandparents, cousins, etc., but they must include all siblings. My email is kw11bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us Kalyn Wulatin

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the POOL. You will need your SWIM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?

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