
Happy Halloween!

    Thank you to our parents for an incredible party!  We appreciate all your hard work and coordination!  It was a BLAST!

Proud Dad’s Dineand Dash: Bring lunch for your child and plan on eating with them in the cafeteria during their lunch time- 11:45 to 12:25, according to the WAG. **We are not the first lunch of the day. This means there will be parents of the first lunch time slot at school and the parking is very, very tough. Be prepared and give yourself time. You will have to wait until 11:45 to go into the cafeteria, so don’t arrive too early. You will wait outside the office until the appropriate time. 

CONFERENCES: Click the sign-up button at the TOP RIGHT of the blog page (you must view the web version of the blog if using a mobile device) and choose your child's homeroom. There is one slot per student so please pick the time that best fits your schedule.

Reflections Contest:  The theme is “What is Your Story?”
·         Deadline for entry is Friday, Nov. 11th
·         Turn in entries to the drop box in the Media Center
·         Rules and entry form available on bcsonline (under What’s New)
·         All participants are invited to a pizza lunch in the spring

The ¾ team is looking for 3 (or more) volunteers per homeroom to help with the ¾ book room.  We are looking for volunteers that can come in 1 hour/ twice a month for help shelve, organize, and label the books in our leveled book room.  Please email Mrs. Harvath if you are interested in volunteering. Ah04bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us

Word of the Week:  Collaboration/Teamwork
When you collaborate, you use your strengths for the common good.  Teamwork is the ability to work together to achieve a common goal.  Together Everyone Achieves More!  Go TEAM!

Good afternoon!

Please check your child's Blue Take Home Folder each day to check for mail, homework, and important information.


PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD WITH A WATER BOTTLE!!! This helps a lot, so he/she does not have to leave the room when thirsty! Your child is also welcome to keep healthy snacks in our classroom to eat any time

Your child will have reading homework each night.  They are free to read anything they want as long as it is approved by you!
3rd Grade: 20 minutes
4th Grade: 30 minutes

3rd Grade Math: 
3rd Grade Math: HR 2-2 (home study sheet C)
Xtramath.com - 3 times per week. Complete a full work session, which lasts about 5-10 mins (until Mr. C says you are done!) 
Thatquiz online due Monday – focus on x/4 (practice first!)

To access Think Central:
Go to www.thinkcentral.com (linked under math on this blog)
Log in with this info on the drop down menu:
Birmingham Public School District
Birmingham Covington School
Check the ‘remember me’ box
Username with tc at the start (ex.tcsb07) password  (animal)
Click My Scores - The most recent test will be at the top

4th Grade Math:  Show a parent the work we did on scrap paper for JP 70.  Online tests were   due today.  NO math Monday.  HR 2-12 and 2-13 are due on Tuesday.

Language Arts:  In our reading, we are learning to take charge of our own comprehension.  We are also continuing our writing work on small moments and narratives.  We are also working on envisioning scenes from our reading and trying to write in a way that allows our readers to envision our writing.  We also started reading “Stone Fox” as a class and we are enjoying it!  Finally, in our independent reading time, we are using all of our reading skills to help us improve our reading stamina.  We are working hard!

Social Studies:  We just completed our first unit on social scientists.  We will re-visit social studies soon!

Science:  We love our tower garden!!!  All of our seedlings are all in and we are excited to watch them grow in the tower garden over the next few weeks.  Mint was transplanted from soil to our garden and we are making careful observations as it makes the transition to the aeroponic garden.  We share this garden with other classes who will put the finishing touches on it this week!  We are having the best time learning what successful scientists do!

***Often we post things on our class SeeSaw accounts as well on our Google Classroom accounts.  Ask your child to show you what he/she has done so far!

Halloween Party Fun!

Happy Halloween!


Have a Fabulous Weekend!

Reflections Contest:  The theme is “What is Your Story?”
·         Deadline for entry is Friday, Nov. 11th
·         Turn in entries to the drop box in the Media Center
·         Rules and entry form available on bcsonline (under What’s New)
·         All participants are invited to a pizza lunch in the spring

The ¾ team is looking for 3 (or more) volunteers per homeroom to help with the ¾ book room.  We are looking for volunteers that can come in 1 hour/ twice a month for help shelve, organize, and label the books in our leveled book room.  Please email Mrs. Harvath if you are interested in volunteering. Ah04bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us

****Halloween is Monday and we have a day of fun!  Please do NOT send your child to school in his/her costume.  Kids will keep costumes in their lockers until 9:45 when they need to change.  We will have a parade at 10am and a party following that in our science lab.  If your child will need help with his/her costume or makeup, please come at 9:45 to assist.  We can’t wait!

Word of the Week:  Collaboration/Teamwork
When you collaborate, you use your strengths for the common good.  Teamwork is the ability to work together to achieve a common goal.  Together Everyone Achieves More!  Go TEAM!

Good afternoon!

Please check your child's Blue Take Home Folder each day to check for mail, homework, and important information.


PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD WITH A WATER BOTTLE!!! This helps a lot, so he/she does not have to leave the room when thirsty! Your child is also welcome to keep healthy snacks in our classroom to eat any time

Your child will have reading homework each night.  They are free to read anything they want as long as it is approved by you!
3rd Grade: 20 minutes 
4th Grade: 30 minutes

3rd Grade Math:
3rd Grade Math: HR 2-2 (home study sheet C)
Xtramath.com - 3 times per week. Complete a full work session, which lasts about 5-10 mins (until Mr. C says you are done!) 
Thatquiz online due Monday – focus on x/4 (practice first!)

To access Think Central:
Go to www.thinkcentral.com (linked under math on this blog)
Log in with this info on the drop down menu:
Birmingham Public School District
Birmingham Covington School
Check the ‘remember me’ box
Username with tc at the start (ex.tcsb07) password  (animal)
Click My Scores - The most recent test will be at the top

4th Grade Math:  Show a parent the work we did on scrap paper for JP 70.  Online tests were   due today.  NO math Monday.  HR 2-12 and 2-13 are due on Tuesday.

Language Arts:  In our reading, we are learning to take charge of our own comprehension.  We are also continuing our writing work on small moments and narratives.  We are also working on envisioning scenes from our reading and trying to write in a way that allows our readers to envision our writing.  We also started reading “Stone Fox” as a class and we are enjoying it!  Finally, in our independent reading time, we are using all of our reading skills to help us improve our reading stamina.  We are working hard!

Social Studies:  We just completed our first unit on social scientists.  We will re-visit social studies soon!

Science:  We love our tower garden!!!  All of our seedlings are all in and we are excited to watch them grow in the tower garden over the next few weeks.  Mint was transplanted from soil to our garden and we are making careful observations as it makes the transition to the aeroponic garden.  We share this garden with other classes who will put the finishing touches on it this week!  We are having the best time learning what successful scientists do!

***Often we post things on our class SeeSaw accounts as well on our Google Classroom accounts.  Ask your child to show you what he/she has done so far!


Thrilling Thursday!

·         Deadline for entry is Friday, Nov. 11th
·         Turn in entries to the drop box in the Media Center
·         Rules and entry form available on bcsonline (under What’s New)
·         All participants are invited to a pizza lunch in the spring

The ¾ team is looking for 3 (or more) volunteers per homeroom to help with the ¾ book room.  We are looking for volunteers that can come in 1 hour/ twice a month for help shelve, organize, and label the books in our leveled book room.  Please email Mrs. Harvath if you are interested in volunteering. Ah04bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us

Word of the Week:  Collaboration/Teamwork
When you collaborate, you use your strengths for the common good.  Teamwork is the ability to work together to achieve a common goal.  Together Everyone Achieves More!  Go TEAM!

Good afternoon!

Please check your child's Blue Take Home Folder each day to check for mail, homework, and important information.


PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD WITH A WATER BOTTLE!!! This helps a lot, so he/she does not have to leave the room when thirsty! Your child is also welcome to keep healthy snacks in our classroom to eat any time

Your child will have reading homework each night.  They are free to read anything they want as long as it is approved by you!
3rd Grade: 20 minutes 
4th Grade: 30 minutes

3rd Grade Math:
3rd Grade Math: Study HR 2-2
Xtramath.com - 3 times per week. Complete a full work session, which lasts about 5-10 mins (until Mr. C says you are done!) 
Thatquiz online due Monday – focus on x/4 (practice first!)

To access Think Central:
Go to www.thinkcentral.com (linked under math on this blog)
Log in with this info on the drop down menu:
Birmingham Public School District
Birmingham Covington School
Check the ‘remember me’ box
Username with tc at the start (ex.tcsb07) password  (animal)
Click My Scores - The most recent test will be at the top

4th Grade Math:  JP 68 Online tests due Oct 28 (practice first!)

Language Arts:  In our reading, we are learning to take charge of our own comprehension.  We are also continuing our writing work on small moments and narratives.  In addition, we are envisioning scenes from our reading and trying to write in a way that allows our readers to envision our writing.  Our class read aloud, “Stone Fox”, is very good! Finally, in our independent reading time, we are using all of our reading skills to help us improve our reading stamina. Our team is working hard!

Social Studies:  We just completed our first unit on social scientists.  We will re-visit social studies soon!

Science:  We love our tower garden!!!  All of our seedlings are all in and we are excited to watch them grow in the tower garden over the next few weeks.  Mint was transplanted from soil to our garden and we are watching it carefully as it makes the transition to the aeroponic gardening.  We share this garden with other classes.   We are having the best time learning what successful scientists do!

***Often we post things on our class SeeSaw accounts as well on our Google Classroom accounts.  Ask your child to show you what he/she has done so far!


Check Out Our Tower Garden!

Reflections Contest:  The theme is “What is Your Story?”
·         Deadline for entry is Friday, Nov. 11th
·         Turn in entries to the drop box in the Media Center
·         Rules and entry form available on bcsonline (under What’s New)
·         All participants are invited to a pizza lunch in the spring

The ¾ team is looking for 3 (or more) volunteers per homeroom to help with the ¾ book room.  We are looking for volunteers that can come in 1 hour/ twice a month for help shelve, organize, and label the books in our leveled book room.  Please email Mrs. Harvath if you are interested in volunteering. Ah04bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us

Word of the Week:  Collaboration/Teamwork
When you collaborate, you use your strengths for the common good.  Teamwork is the ability to work together to achieve a common goal.  Together Everyone Achieves More!  Go TEAM!

Good afternoon!

Please check your child's Blue Take Home Folder each day to check for mail, homework, and important information.


PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD WITH A WATER BOTTLE!!! This helps a lot, so he/she does not have to leave the room when thirsty! Your child is also welcome to keep healthy snacks in our classroom to eat any time

Your child will have reading homework each night.  They are free to read anything they want as long as it is approved by you!
3rd Grade: 20 minutes 
4th Grade: 30 minutes

3rd Grade Math:
3rd Grade Math: Study H  1-12 for 10 minutes
Xtramath.com - 3 times per week. Complete a full work session, which lasts about 5-10 mins (until Mr. C says you are done!) 
Thatquiz online due Monday – focus on x/4 (practice first!)

To access Think Central:
Go to www.thinkcentral.com (linked under math on this blog)
Log in with this info on the drop down menu:
Birmingham Public School District
Birmingham Covington School
Check the ‘remember me’ box
Username with tc at the start (ex.tcsb07) password  (animal)
Click My Scores - The most recent test will be at the top

4th Grade Math:  HR 2-11; Online tests due Oct 28 (practice first!)

Language Arts:  In our reading, we are learning to take charge of our own comprehension.  We are also continuing our writing work on small moments and narratives.  We are also working on envisioning scenes from our reading and trying to write in a way that allows our readers to envision our writing.  We also started reading “Stone Fox” as a class and we are enjoying it!

Social Studies:  We just completed our first unit on social scientists.  We will re-visit social studies soon!

Science:  We love our tower garden!!!  All of our seedlings are all in and we are excited to watch them grow in the tower garden over the next few weeks.  Mint was transplanted from soil to our garden and we are watching it carefully as it makes the transition to the aeroponic gardening.  We share this garden with other classes who will put the finishing touches on it this week!  We are having the best time learning what successful scientists do!

***Often we post things on our class SeeSaw accounts as well on our Google Classroom accounts.  Ask your child to show you what he/she has done so far!


Today is the Last Day for Book Orders! You Can Still Place Them This Evening!

Reflections Contest:  The theme is “What is Your Story?”
·         Deadline for entry is Friday, Nov. 11th
·         Turn in entries to the drop box in the Media Center
·         Rules and entry form available on bcsonline (under What’s New)
·         All participants are invited to a pizza lunch in the spring

The ¾ team is looking for 3 (or more) volunteers per homeroom to help with the ¾ book room.  We are looking for volunteers that can come in 1 hour/ twice a month for help shelve, organize, and label the books in our leveled book room.  Please email Mrs. Harvath if you are interested in volunteering. Ah04bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us

Word of the Week:  Collaboration/Teamwork
When you collaborate, you use your strengths for the common good.  Teamwork is the ability to work together to achieve a common goal.  Together Everyone Achieves More!  Go TEAM!

Good afternoon!

Please check your child's Blue Take Home Folder each day to check for mail, homework, and important information.


PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD WITH A WATER BOTTLE!!! This helps a lot, so he/she does not have to leave the room when thirsty! Your child is also welcome to keep healthy snacks in our classroom to eat any time

Your child will have reading homework each night.  They are free to read anything they want as long as it is approved by you!
3rd Grade: 20 minutes
4th Grade: 30 minutes

3rd Grade Math:
3rd Grade Math: Study Home Check Sheet 1-12
Xtramath.com - 3 times per week. Complete a full work session, which lasts about 5-10 mins (until Mr. C says you are done!) 
Thatquiz online due Monday – focus on x/4 (practice first!)

To access Think Central:
Go to www.thinkcentral.com (linked under math on this blog)
Log in with this info on the drop down menu:
Birmingham Public School District
Birmingham Covington School
Check the ‘remember me’ box
Username with tc at the start (ex.tcsb07) password  (animal)
Click My Scores - The most recent test will be at the top

4th Grade Math:  HR 2-10; Online tests due Oct 28 (practice first!)

Language Arts:  In our reading, we are learning to take charge of our own comprehension.  We are also continuing our writing work on small moments and narratives.  We are also working on envisioning scenes from our reading and trying to write in a way that allows our readers to envision our writing.  We also started reading “Stone Fox” as a class and we are enjoying it!

Social Studies:  We just completed our first unit on social scientists.  We will re-visit social studies soon!

Science:  We love our tower garden!!!  Last week some of our seedlings were ready to enter the garden and enjoy their new homes!  We share this garden with other classes who will put the finishing touches on it this week!  We are having the best time learning what successful scientists do!

***Often we post things on our class SeeSaw accounts as well on our Google Classroom accounts.  Ask your child to show you what he/she has done so far!


Marvelous Monday!

Reflections Contest:  The theme is “What is Your Story?”
·         Deadline for entry is Friday, Nov. 11th
·         Turn in entries to the drop box in the Media Center
·         Rules and entry form available on bcsonline (under What’s New)
·         All participants are invited to a pizza lunch in the spring

The ¾ team is looking for 3 (or more) volunteers per homeroom to help with the ¾ book room.  We are looking for volunteers that can come in 1 hour/ twice a month for help shelve, organize, and label the books in our leveled book room.  Please email Mrs. Harvath if you are interested in volunteering. Ah04bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us

Word of the Week:  Collaboration/Teamwork
When you collaborate, you use your strengths for the common good.  Teamwork is the ability to work together to achieve a common goal.  Together Everyone Achieves More!  Go TEAM!

Good afternoon!

Please check your child's Blue Take Home Folder each day to check for mail, homework, and important information.


PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD WITH A WATER BOTTLE!!! This helps a lot, so he/she does not have to leave the room when thirsty! Your child is also welcome to keep healthy snacks in our classroom to eat any time

Your child will have reading homework each night.  They are free to read anything they want as long as it is approved by you!
3rd Grade: 20 minutes 
4th Grade: 30 minutes

3rd Grade Math:
3rd Grade Math: Test was today! Thinkcentral Unit 1 Post Test is available to view at home - Please show your result to your parents (see below for directions to access the site)
Xtramath.com - 3 times per week. Complete a full work session, which lasts about 5-10 mins (until Mr. C says you are done!) 
Thatquiz online due Monday – focus on x/4 (practice first!)

To access Think Central:
Go to www.thinkcentral.com (linked under math on this blog)
Log in with this info on the drop down menu:
Birmingham Public School District
Birmingham Covington School
Check the ‘remember me’ box
Username with tc at the start (ex.tcsb07) password  (animal)
Click My Scores - The most recent test will be at the top

4th Grade Math:  HR 2-9; Online tests due Oct 28 (practice first!)

Language Arts:  In our reading, we are learning to take charge of our own comprehension.  We are also continuing our writing work on small moments and narratives.  We are also working on envisioning scenes from our reading and trying to write in a way that allows our readers to envision our writing.  We also started reading “Stone Fox” as a class and we are enjoying it!

Social Studies:  We just completed our first unit on social scientists.  We will re-visit social studies soon!

Science:  We love our tower garden!!!  Last week some of our seedlings were ready to enter the garden and enjoy their new homes!  We share this garden with other classes who will put the finishing touches on it this week!  We are having the best time learning what successful scientists do!

***Often we post things on our class SeeSaw accounts as well on our Google Classroom accounts.  Ask your child to show you what he/she has done so far!


Fabulous Friday!

Reflections Contest:  The theme is “What is Your Story?”
·         Deadline for entry is Friday, Nov. 11th
·         Turn in entries to the drop box in the Media Center
·         Rules and entry form available on bcsonline (under What’s New)
·         All participants are invited to a pizza lunch in the spring

The ¾ team is looking for 3 (or more) volunteers per homeroom to help with the ¾ book room.  We are looking for volunteers that can come in 1 hour/ twice a month for help shelve, organize, and label the books in our leveled book room.  Please email Mrs. Harvath if you are interested in volunteering. Ah04bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us

Word of the Week:  Collaboration/Teamwork
When you collaborate, you use your strengths for the common good.  Teamwork is the ability to work together to achieve a common goal.  Together Everyone Achieves More!  Go TEAM!

Good afternoon!

Lansing forms were due today!

Please check your child's Blue Take Home Folder each day to check for mail, homework, and important information.


PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD WITH A WATER BOTTLE!!! This helps a lot, so he/she does not have to leave the room when thirsty! Your child is also welcome to keep healthy snacks in our classroom to eat any time

Your child will have reading homework each night.  They are free to read anything they want as long as it is approved by you!
3rd Grade: 20 minutes
4th Grade: 30 minutes

3rd Grade Math: Signed Review due Monday; We will take our test on Monday!; Online tests due Monday; xtramath 3 times a week

4th Grade Math:  HR 2-8; JP 60 4-7; Online tests due Oct 28

Language Arts:  In our reading, we are learning to take charge of our own comprehension.  We are also continuing our writing work on small moments and narratives.  We are also working on envisioning scenes from our reading and trying to write in a way that allows our readers to envision our writing.  We also started reading “Stone Fox” as a class and we are enjoying it!

Social Studies:  We just completed our first unit on social scientists.  We will re-visit social studies soon!

Science:  We started building our tower garden on Friday and it was a lot of fun!!!  We share this garden with other classes who will put the finishing touches on it this week!  We are loving watching our seedlings grow and we are learning what successful scientists do!

***Recently we have posted several things on our class SeeSaw accounts as well as one or two items on our Google Classroom accounts.  Ask your child to show you what he/she has done so far!


Tomorrow is the Ice Cream Social!

Yum!  BCS Ice Cream Social sponsored by our BCS PTSA (whole school) on Thursday from 6:30-8:00 PM. 

The ¾ team is looking for 3 (or more) volunteers per homeroom to help with the ¾ book room.  We are looking for volunteers that can come in 1 hour/ twice a month for help shelve, organize, and label the books in our leveled book room.  Please email Mrs. Harvath if you are interested in volunteering. Ah04bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us

Word of the Week:  Collaboration/Teamwork
When you collaborate, you use your strengths for the common good.  Teamwork is the ability to work together to achieve a common goal.  Together Everyone Achieves More!  Go TEAM BUTZIN!

Good afternoon!

Lansing forms were due today!

Please check your child's Blue Take Home Folder each day to check for mail, homework, and important information.


PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD WITH A WATER BOTTLE!!! This helps a lot, so he/she does not have to leave the room when thirsty! Your child is also welcome to keep healthy snacks in our classroom to eat any time

Your child will have reading homework each night.  They are free to read anything they want as long as it is approved by you!
3rd Grade: 20 minutes 
4th Grade: 30 minutes

3rd Grade Math:  HR 1-17 (odds only), Signed Review due Friday; We will take our test on Monday!; study 3’s facts; xtramath 3 times a week

4th Grade Math:  HR 2-6

Language Arts:  In our reading, we are learning to take charge of our own comprehension.  We are also continuing our writing work on small moments and narratives.  We are also working on envisioning scenes from our reading and trying to write in a way that allows our readers to envision our writing.  We also started reading “Stone Fox” as a class and we are enjoying it!

Social Studies:  We just completed our first unit on social scientists.  We will re-visit social studies soon!

Science:  We started building our tower garden on Friday and it was a lot of fun!!!  We share this garden with other classes who will put the finishing touches on it this week!  We are loving watching our seedlings grow and we are learning what successful scientists do!

***Recently we have posted several things on our class SeeSaw accounts as well as one or two items on our Google Classroom accounts.  Ask your child to show you what he/she has done so far!


Terrific Tuesday!

Yum!  BCS Ice Cream Social sponsored by our BCS PTSA (whole school) on Thursday from 6:30-8:00 PM. 

The ¾ team is looking for 3 (or more) volunteers per homeroom to help with the ¾ book room.  We are looking for volunteers that can come in 1 hour/ twice a month for help shelve, organize, and label the books in our leveled book room.  Please email Mrs. Harvath if you are interested in volunteering. Ah04bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us

Elementary Survey:
The survey will likely take between 10 and 20 minutes. It is to find out how you feel about your school. This is not a test. There are no right or wrong answers.

Click on the link below. then click BEGIN SURVEY
3/4 (Elementary)-http://www.advanc-ed.org/survey/public/2598923


Edutopia will be spotlighting BCS in their series, Schools that Work.  They will be visiting 10/18/16-10/20/16 with their production crew to capture footage for their series highlighting what we do at BCS.  Parent permission is required in order to use footage that includes your child.  Click Edutopia Letter for details regarding the filming or click permission to go directly to the form.  Thank you for your attention to this exciting opportunity to highlight our innovative school!

Word of the Week:  Collaboration/Teamwork
When you collaborate, you use your strengths for the common good.  Teamwork is the ability to work together to achieve a common goal.  Together Everyone Achieves More!  Go TEAM BUTZIN!

Good afternoon!

***We have Lansing permission slips due TOMORROW and Book Orders due on the 25th!

Please check your child's Blue Take Home Folder each day to check for mail, homework, and important information.


PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD WITH A WATER BOTTLE!!! This helps a lot, so he/she does not have to leave the room when thirsty! Your child is also welcome to keep healthy snacks in our classroom to eat any time

Your child will have reading homework each night.  They are free to read anything they want as long as it is approved by you!
3rd Grade: 20 minutes 
4th Grade: 30 minutes

3rd Grade Math:  Review  due Friday SIGNED; Test Monday; Thatquiz due Monday;  Practice the 3 */ facts for 5 days before taking the quiz!   If you can practice throughout the week and quiz on Friday or the weekend you will be super ready for the quiz.  Remember, you can have a parent can type as you give the answers.  Xtra Math:  3 times per week

4th Grade Math:  HR 2-5  Online tests are due this Wednesday 10-19-16.  Remember to record your scores in your math folder to watch your scores improve each time!!

Language Arts:  In our reading, we are learning to take charge of our own comprehension.  We are also continuing our writing work on small moments and narratives.

Social Studies:  We just completed our first unit on social scientists.  We will re-visit social studies soon!

Science:  We started building our tower garden on Friday and it was a lot of fun!!!  We share this garden with other classes who will put the finishing touches on it this week!  We are loving watching our seedlings grow and we are learning what successful scientists do!

***Recently we have posted several things on our class SeeSaw accounts as well as one or two items on our Google Classroom accounts.  Ask your child to show you what he/she has done so far!


Word of the Week: Collaboration/Teamwork

 The ¾ team is looking for 3 (or more) volunteers per homeroom to help with the ¾ book room.  We are looking for volunteers that can come in 1 hour/ twice a month for help shelve, organize, and label the books in our leveled book room.  Please email Mrs. Harvath if you are interested in volunteering. Ah04bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us

Elementary Survey:
The survey will likely take between 10 and 20 minutes. It is to find out how you feel about your school. This is not a test. There are no right or wrong answers.

Click on the link below. then click BEGIN SURVEY
3/4 (Elementary)-http://www.advanc-ed.org/survey/public/2598923


Edutopia will be spotlighting BCS in their series, Schools that Work.  They will be visiting 10/18/16-10/20/16 with their production crew to capture footage for their series highlighting what we do at BCS.  Parent permission is required in order to use footage that includes your child.  Click Edutopia Letter for details regarding the filming or click permission to go directly to the form.  Thank you for your attention to this exciting opportunity to highlight our innovative school!

Word of the Week:  Collaboration/Teamwork
When you collaborate, you use your strengths for the common good.  Teamwork is the ability to work together to achieve a common goal.  Together Everyone Achieves More!  Go TEAM BUTZIN!

Please check your child's Blue Take Home Folder each day to check for mail, homework, and important information.


PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD WITH A WATER BOTTLE!!! This helps a lot, so he/she does not have to leave the room when thirsty! Your child is also welcome to keep healthy snacks in our classroom to eat any time

Good afternoon!

***We have Lansing permission slips due this Wednesday and Book Orders due on the 25th!

Please check your child's Blue Take Home Folder each day to check for mail, homework, and important information.


PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD WITH A WATER BOTTLE!!! This helps a lot, so he/she does not have to leave the room when thirsty! Your child is also welcome to keep healthy snacks in our classroom to eat any time

Your child will have reading homework each night.  They are free to read anything they want as long as it is approved by you!
3rd Grade: 20 minutes 
4th Grade: 30 minutes

3rd Grade Math:  HR 1-16  ThatQuiz 3’s due Monday.  Xtra Math:  3 times per week

4th Grade Math:  JP 49.  We have a multiplication handout due tomorrow with a signature.  Online tests are due this Wednesday 10-19-16.  We have had over a week to do them

Language Arts:  In our reading, we are learning to take charge of our own comprehension.  We are also continuing our writing work on small moments and narratives.

Social Studies:  We just completed our first unit on social scientists.  We will re-visit social studies soon!

Science:  We started building our tower garden on Friday and it was a lot of fun!!!  We share this garden with other classes who will put the finishing touches on it this week!  We are loving watching our seedlings grow and we are learning what successful scientists do!

***Recently we have posted several things on our class SeeSaw accounts as well as one or two items on our Google Classroom accounts.  Ask your child to show you what he/she has done so far!

Have a great night!!!


Thrilling Thursday!

The ¾ team is looking for 3 (or more) volunteers per homeroom to help with the ¾ book room.  We are looking for volunteers that can come in 1 hour/ twice a month for help shelve, organize, and label the books in our leveled book room.  Please email Mrs. Harvath if you are interested in volunteering. Ah04bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us

Elementary Survey:
The survey will likely take between 10 and 20 minutes. It is to find out how you feel about your school. This is not a test. There are no right or wrong answers.

Click on the link below. then click BEGIN SURVEY
3/4 (Elementary)-http://www.advanc-ed.org/survey/public/2598923


Edutopia will be spotlighting BCS in their series, Schools that Work.  They will be visiting 10/18/16-10/20/16 with their production crew to capture footage for their series highlighting what we do at BCS.  Parent permission is required in order to use footage that includes your child.  Click Edutopia Letter for details regarding the filming or click permission to go directly to the form.  Thank you for your attention to this exciting opportunity to highlight our innovative school!

Word of the Week: INTEGRITY
I show integrity when I do what I think is right.

Please check your child's Blue Take Home Folder each day to check for mail, homework, and important information.


PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD WITH A WATER BOTTLE!!! This helps a lot, so he/she does not have to leave the room when thirsty! Your child is also welcome to keep healthy snacks in our classroom to eat any time

Your child will have reading homework each night.  They are free to read anything they want as long as it is approved by you!
3rd Grade: 20 minutes 
4th Grade: 30 minutes

3rd Grade Math:  1-15 HR; Online quizzes (on 2) due Monday; xtramath 3 times a week

4th Grade Math:   HR 2-2;.  Online tests are due on Wednesday, October 19th

Language Arts:  We are working hard on grammar and talking about all types of nouns.  We are also learning writing strategies to implement in our small moment writing.  We have learned to ask authors questions to help them add more details to their writing.

Social Studies:  We just completed our first unit on social scientists.  We will re-visit social studies soon!

Science:  We are so busy!  We have been talking about what scientists do and why it is so important for them to ask quality questions to guide their studies.  We also planted seeds in the hopes that seedlings will sprout for the tower garden we are going to build!  Ask your child to share the science paper in his/her blue folder!

Have a great night!!!

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