
It was a Magnificent Monday in room 204! We worked so hard on science experiments again. We are having the best time with magnets! We also enjoyed learning all about wildfires in language arts.

We all had mail today! Spring pictures are on Wednesday this week and the forms were in your child’s mailbox. Please have him/her bring the forms if you want to order pictures.

Spring picture day is Wednesday, April 22! Our class is scheduled from 10:00-10:15.

Our class is excited about their upcoming Reading Party with the senior citizens at BASCC, located at the Midvale Center, on Thursday, April 23 from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. We will visit BASCC to read our favorite stories and poems to the members and to share refreshments with them.

I have the following drivers and the number of student seats available for the BAASC trip:
Gardner 5, Hoppen 4, Sarkesian 5, Henninger 4, Antolin 6, Gardner 5, D Williams 6, Meier 4 and McClary 4 . Parent drivers, please come to the BCS office at 9:30 on April 23 to complete the necessary driver information. We will leave around 9:45. It is also essential that drivers remain with the students during the field trip to assist with name tags, to help pair one or two students with senior citizens and to serve the refreshments. We will return to BCS by 11:00. A note is coming home in your child’s planner with these details for you! Thanks for joining us on the exciting trip.

The third and fourth graders receive a report card at the end of the year that covers the third and fourth quarters.


Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107

Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.

We have mail!

Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

Here’s what we have for you tonight:

Paragraph Practice: Our last paragraph practice entitled “Substitute Teacher” is due May 5th

Reading: Choose 3+ picture books to bring and share with a Senior on Thursday! Poem books are great too!

3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: Unit 8 Test on April 28

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

Students may a Complete Challenge of writing sentences with spelling words!

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Social Studies: none
Visit the following site: http://www.historyglobe.com for fun social studies activities.

3rd- Finish JP 220-221

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: JP 278 and SL 10.3
Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the GYM. You will need your GYM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?

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