
It was bright and sunny in 204 today! We learned all about circuits and created our own bulb circuits. With the many light bulbs the Scientists in 204 were able to light, it was so bright you would have needed sunglasses! Our circuits were amazing and even cooler with only one wire. Ask you rchild to share the details! We were surprised that one wire worked better than 2! In the afternoon we took our magnet tests on moodle today.

On May 7th, we are taking a quick trip in the morning to the Detroit Symphony Orchestra! It is going to be a lot of fun! Your kids will need to bring a lunch that day as we will miss our lunch hour and they will not be able to buy lunch. The permission slip went home in your child’s mail box last week and they are due by Thursday the 30th!


Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107

The third and fourth graders receive a report card at the end of the year that covers the third and fourth quarters.

Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


We have mail!

Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

Here’s what we have for you tonight:

DSO Field Trip Letter due May 30th - Bring $4.50 and the signed permission form

Paragraph Practice: Our last paragraph practice entitled “Substitute Teacher” is due May 5th

3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: We took our test today!

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

Students may a Complete Challenge of writing sentences with spelling words!

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Science: We took our magnet test today and turned in our review. Some students did not have a signed review today.

Just for fun! Visit MAGNETIC WORDS to write your own poetry or sentences! Click on this site to go: http://www.kidsonthenet.com/magnet/

Social Studies: none
Visit the following site: http://www.historyglobe.com for fun social studies activities.

3rd- Signed Review due Friday; Friday Test; Get review Complete and get journal pages HL 9.12 and MB 9.12

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: Review due tomorrow; Test Friday; Study facts 11-12
Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the GYM. You will need your GYM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


It was another great day in Room 204! We worked so hard to review for our magnets test again today. We completed the second review in class today and will take the Moodle quizes on Thursday. WE WILL HAVE TWO MAGNET QUIZZES on Thursday! One quiz will focus on the important vocabulary that we have covered and another will focus on the main ideas we discussed during this unit. Your kids are bringing home a review packet today that we completed together in class over the past two days. Everyone worked very hard today and did a wonderful job!

On May 7th, we are taking a quick trip in the morning to the Detroit Symphony Orchestra! It is going to be a lot of fun! Your kids will need to bring a lunch that day as we will miss our lunch hour and they will not be able to buy lunch. The permission slip went home in your child’s mail box last week and they are due by Thursday the 30th!


Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107

The third and fourth graders receive a report card at the end of the year that covers the third and fourth quarters.

Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


We have mail!

Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

Here’s what we have for you tonight:

DSO Field Trip Letter due May 30th Bring $4.50 and the signed permission form
Paragraph Practice: Our last paragraph practice entitled “Substitute Teacher” is due May 5th

3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: We took our test today!

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

Students may a Complete Challenge of writing sentences with spelling words!

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Science: Get magnets review signed tonight and study for Moodle quizzes tomorrow.
WE WILL HAVE TWO MAGNET QUIZZES on Thursday! One quiz will focus on the important vocabulary that we have covered and another will focus on the main ideas we discussed during this unit. Your kids are bringing home a review packet today that we completed together in class.

Social Studies: none
Visit the following site: http://www.historyglobe.com for fun social studies activities.

3rd- Review due Thursday; Friday Test; Get review Complete and get journal pages JP 235-236 signed

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: Review due tomorrow; Test Friday;
Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the GYM. You will need your GYM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


It was a thrilling Tuesday in room 204! We learned so much about the magnetic force using our magnet box, compass, iron filings and test objects. We learned how magnets interact and also how the Earth has two poles very much like a magnet’s poles. Also, we discovered that a compass needle is a magnet. One end points to the Earth’s magnetic north pole. It was a great day of learning!

Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107

The third and fourth graders receive a report card at the end of the year that covers the third and fourth quarters.

Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


We have mail!

Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

Here’s what we have for you tonight:

DSO Field Trip Letter due May 30th Bring $4.50 and the signed permission form
Paragraph Practice: Our last paragraph practice entitled “Substitute Teacher” is due May 5th

3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: We took our test today!

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

Students may a Complete Challenge of writing sentences with spelling words!

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Social Studies: none
Visit the following site: http://www.historyglobe.com for fun social studies activities.

3rd- Review due Thursday; Friday Test; Get review signed; HL and MB 9.11

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: Packet due Wednesday
Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the GYM. You will need your GYM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


I want to thank all of the parents who drove and assisted during our field trip yesterday to BAASC. Thank you so much for assisting with this amazing trip. They thought our class was wonderful and very well-behaved. Enjoy the video and have a wonderful weekend!

Happy 9th Birthday to our good friend, Kenzie! ☺☺☺


Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107

The third and fourth graders receive a report card at the end of the year that covers the third and fourth quarters.

Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


We have mail!

Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

Here’s what we have for you tonight:

Field Trip Letter due May 30th Bring $4.50 and the signed permission form
Paragraph Practice: Our last paragraph practice entitled “Substitute Teacher” is due May 5th

3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: Unit 8 Test on April 28

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

Students may a Complete Challenge of writing sentences with spelling words!

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Science: Optional- “Calculate You Daily Water Use” Handout

Social Studies: none
Visit the following site: http://www.historyglobe.com for fun social studies activities.

3rd- HL and MB 9.9

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: SL 10.6 and finish handout
Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the GYM. You will need your GYM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


It was an awesome day in room 204! We had the best time at BASC! The seniors loved having us read to them! Enjoy the video…

Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107

The third and fourth graders receive a report card at the end of the year that covers the third and fourth quarters.
Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


We have mail!

Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

Here’s what we have for you tonight:

Field Trip Letter due May 30th Bring $4.50 and the signed permission form

Paragraph Practice: Our last paragraph practice entitled “Substitute Teacher” is due May 5th

3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: Unit 8 Test on April 28

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

Students may a Complete Challenge of writing sentences with spelling words!

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Science: Optional- “Calculate You Daily Water Use” Handout

Social Studies: none
Visit the following site: http://www.historyglobe.com for fun social studies activities.

3rd- Study multicplication facts 2-8 for 15 minutes

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: JP 283
Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the GYM. You will need your GYM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


Happy Earth Day!!! We spent some time talking about this day and why we have it! We also talked about what we can do to make our Earth and even better place for us to live as well as the plants and animals that live in it!We are excited about their upcoming Reading Party TOMORROW with the senior citizens at BASCC, located at the Midvale Center, on Thursday, April 23 from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. We will visit BASCC to read our favorite stories and poems to the members and to share refreshments with them.

I have the following drivers and the number of student seats available for the BAASC trip:
Gardner 5, Hoppen 4, Sarkesian 5, Henninger 4, Antolin 6, Gardner 5, D Williams 6, Meier 4 and McClary 4 . Parent drivers, please come to the BCS office at 9:30 on April 23 to complete the necessary driver information. We will leave around 9:45. It is also essential that drivers remain with the students during the field trip to assist with name tags, to help pair one or two students with senior citizens and to serve the refreshments. We will return to BCS by 11:00. A note is coming home in your child’s planner with these details for you! Thanks for joining us on the exciting trip.

The third and fourth graders receive a report card at the end of the year that covers the third and fourth quarters.


Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107

Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


Some of us have mail!

Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

Here’s what we have for you tonight:

Paragraph Practice: Our last paragraph practice entitled “Substitute Teacher” is due May 5th

Reading: Get letter signed by a parent! Choose 3+ picture books to bring and share with a Senior on Thursday! Poem books are great too!

3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: Unit 8 Test on April 28

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

Students may a Complete Challenge of writing sentences with spelling words!

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Science: Optional- “Calculate You Daily Water Use” Handout

Social Studies: none
Visit the following site: http://www.historyglobe.com for fun social studies activities.

3rd- Finish MB and HL 9.8

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: JP 281-282 and SL 10.5
Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the GYM. You will need your GYM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


We had a great day as scientists breaking the force! Ask your child to share with you the details.

Spring pictures are on Wednesday this week and the forms were in your child’s mailbox. Please have him/her bring the forms if you want to order pictures.

Spring picture day is Wednesday, April 22! Our class is scheduled from 10:00-10:15 on this day.

Our class is excited about their upcoming Reading Party with the senior citizens at BASCC, located at the Midvale Center, on Thursday, April 23 from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. We will visit BASCC to read our favorite stories and poems to the members and to share refreshments with them.

I have the following drivers and the number of student seats available for the BAASC trip:
Gardner 5, Hoppen 4, Sarkesian 5, Henninger 4, Antolin 6, Gardner 5, D Williams 6, Meier 4 and McClary 4 . Parent drivers, please come to the BCS office at 9:30 on April 23 to complete the necessary driver information. We will leave around 9:45. It is also essential that drivers remain with the students during the field trip to assist with name tags, to help pair one or two students with senior citizens and to serve the refreshments. We will return to BCS by 11:00. A note is coming home in your child’s planner with these details for you! Thanks for joining us on the exciting trip.

The third and fourth graders receive a report card at the end of the year that covers the third and fourth quarters.


Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107
Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


We have mail!

Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

Here’s what we have for you tonight:

Paragraph Practice: Our last paragraph practice entitled “Substitute Teacher” is due May 5th

Reading: Choose 3+ picture books to bring and share with a Senior on Thursday! Poem books are great too!

3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: Unit 8 Test on April 28

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

Students may a Complete Challenge of writing sentences with spelling words!

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Science: none

Social Studies: none

Visit the following site: http://www.historyglobe.com for fun social studies activities.

3rd- Finish MB and HL 9.7

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: JP 279-280 and SL 10.4
Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the GYM. You will need your GYM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


It was a Magnificent Monday in room 204! We worked so hard on science experiments again. We are having the best time with magnets! We also enjoyed learning all about wildfires in language arts.

We all had mail today! Spring pictures are on Wednesday this week and the forms were in your child’s mailbox. Please have him/her bring the forms if you want to order pictures.

Spring picture day is Wednesday, April 22! Our class is scheduled from 10:00-10:15.

Our class is excited about their upcoming Reading Party with the senior citizens at BASCC, located at the Midvale Center, on Thursday, April 23 from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. We will visit BASCC to read our favorite stories and poems to the members and to share refreshments with them.

I have the following drivers and the number of student seats available for the BAASC trip:
Gardner 5, Hoppen 4, Sarkesian 5, Henninger 4, Antolin 6, Gardner 5, D Williams 6, Meier 4 and McClary 4 . Parent drivers, please come to the BCS office at 9:30 on April 23 to complete the necessary driver information. We will leave around 9:45. It is also essential that drivers remain with the students during the field trip to assist with name tags, to help pair one or two students with senior citizens and to serve the refreshments. We will return to BCS by 11:00. A note is coming home in your child’s planner with these details for you! Thanks for joining us on the exciting trip.

The third and fourth graders receive a report card at the end of the year that covers the third and fourth quarters.


Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107

Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.

We have mail!

Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

Here’s what we have for you tonight:

Paragraph Practice: Our last paragraph practice entitled “Substitute Teacher” is due May 5th

Reading: Choose 3+ picture books to bring and share with a Senior on Thursday! Poem books are great too!

3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: Unit 8 Test on April 28

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

Students may a Complete Challenge of writing sentences with spelling words!

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Social Studies: none
Visit the following site: http://www.historyglobe.com for fun social studies activities.

3rd- Finish JP 220-221

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: JP 278 and SL 10.3
Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the GYM. You will need your GYM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


We began the day with Language Arts. The students continued working in their Grammar packets. Then, they answered questions about grammar and vocabulary in their theme 6 booklets. WE also discussed the story, Slamon Summer. Next, was Math. The third graders abd fourth graders took the district writing assessment during this time. After lunch, the students had D.E.A.R time and completed their planners. Next, was continued with our science unit: Electricity and magnetism. Co-curricular class was Spanish. Afterwards we took open book moodle tests on Salmon Summer and the Midwest. Finally, we had 10 minutes to catch some warmth and rays outside. Such a gorgeous day…we worked so hard to earn this time!

Our class is excited about their upcoming Reading Party with the senior citizens at BASCC, located at the Midvale Center, on Thursday, April 23 from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. We will visit BASCC to read our favorite stories and poems to the members and to share refreshments with them.

I have the following drivers and the number of student seats available for the BAASC trip:
Gardner 5, Hoppen 4, Sarkesian 5, Henninger 4, Antolin 6, Gardner 5, D Williams 6, Meier 4 and McClary 4 .

Parent drivers, please come to the BCS office at 9:30 on April 23 to complete the necessary driver information. We will leave around 9:45. It is also essential that drivers remain with the students during the field trip to assist with name tags, to help pair one or two students with senior citizens and to serve the refreshments. We will return to BCS by 11:00. A note is coming home in your child’s planner with these details for you! Thanks for joining us on the exciting trip

The third and fourth graders receive a report card at the end of the year that covers the third and fourth quarters.

Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107
Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.

We have mail!
Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!
Here’s what we have for you tonight:
FIELD TRIP LETTER permission slip is past DUE! We need 1 slip returned. There is no cost for this trip.
Paragraph Practice: None
3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: Unit 8 Test on April 28-

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

Students may a Complete Challenge of writing sentences with spelling words!

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Science: none

Social Studies:
Midwest Project due April 17th (Friday). It should be uploaded to your WIKI by the 17th.

Visit the following site: http://www.historyglobe.com for fun social studies activities.

3rd- Study multiplication facts for 10-15 minutes using your favorite method!

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: Due Friday JP 275 and SL 10.1 (Get packet and test letter signed)
Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the GYM. You will need your GYM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


We had such a great day today! This morning we worked so hard on Language Arts. At the last minute, the district gave us a language arts assessment to complete so we took care of the first part of that today and will take care of the second part tomorrow. This is not something your child needed to study for. The district uses it for its own purposes.

Chaperones Needed...If you would like to drive on April 23, please contact room parent Suzanne Sarkesian, suzanne@jonsarkesian.com or me at sb07bps@birminhgam.k12.mi.us if you can help from 9:30-11:00 on this day!! Let us know how many students you can fit in your car.

Our class is excited about their upcoming Reading Party with the senior citizens at BASCC, located at the Midvale Center, on Thursday, April 23 from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. We will visit BASCC to read our favorite stories and poems to the members and to share refreshments with them.

So far I have Gardner, Hoppen, Sarkesian, Henninger and maybe Dietz as chaperones. Parent drivers, please come to the BCS office at 9:30 on April 23 to complete the necessary driver information. It is also essential that drivers remain with the students during the field trip to assist with name tags, to help pair one or two students with senior citizens and to serve the refreshments.

The third and fourth graders receive a report card at the end of the year that covers the third and fourth quarters.

Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107

Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


We have mail!

Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

Here’s what we have for you tonight:

FIELD TRIP LETTER permission slip is past DUE! We need 2 slips returned. There is no cost for this trip.

Paragraph Practice: None

3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: Unit 8 Test on April 28-

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

Students may a Complete Challenge of writing sentences with spelling words!

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Science: none

Social Studies:
Midwest Project due April 17th (Friday). It should be uploaded to your WIKI by the 17th.

Visit the following site: http://www.historyglobe.com for fun social studies activities.

3rd- Study multiplication facts for 10-15 minutes using your favorite method!

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: Due Friday JP 275 and SL 10.1 (Get packet and test letter signed)
Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the GYM. You will need your GYM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


Welcome back! It was a great day in room 204. It sounds like everyone had such a nice week! Your kids came in with the best stories about their spring break adventures! Today we imagined that we were a worker on Ford's assembly line in the 1920s. In the video you will see that we worked as a group of 7 to assemble cars for 10 minutes. We were much more productive on the assembly line than a team of 7 trying to design and draw a car without designated jobs. Ask your child to share the advantages of the assembly line.

Our class is excited about their upcoming Reading Party with the senior citizens at BASCC, located at the Midvale Center, on Thursday, April 23 from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. We will visit BASCC to read our favorite stories and poems to the members and to share refreshments with them. You will be getting a detailed letter of the event tomorrow.

We will need drivers!!! If you would like to drive on April 23, please contact room parent Suzanne Sarkesian, suzanne@jonsarkesian.com, before April 3 or sign up at conferences. Parent drivers, please come to the BCS office at 9:15 on April 23 to complete the necessary driver information. It is also essential that drivers remain with the students during the field trip to assist with name tags, to help pair one or two students with senior citizens and to serve the refreshments.

The third and fourth graders receive a report card at the end of the year that covers the third and fourth quarters.

Spring Conferences: Students have a copy of your conference time stapled in their planner. Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks!


Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!

Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107
Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


We have mail!Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

Here’s what we have for you tonight:

FIELD TRIP LETTER permission slip is past DUE! There is no cost for this trip.

Paragraph Practice: None

3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: Unit 8 Test on April 28-

Go to http://www.spellingcity.com/ and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

Students may a Complete Challenge of writing sentences with spelling words!

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Science: We will begin our study of Electricity and Magnetism after the break!

Social Studies:
Get Midwest Project letter signed today and return the bottom portion signed on Monday!
Midwest Project due April 17th (Friday). It should be uploaded to your WIKI by the 17th.

Visit the following site: http://www.historyglobe.com/ for fun social studies activities.

3rd- HL 9.6

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: JP 275 and SL 10.1 (Get packet and test letter signed)
Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the GYM. You will need your GYM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


Thank you to all the parents who took time to attend our student led conferences. It was a pleasure meeting with you and having a chance to talk about all the things our students have accomplished this year. I hope everyone has a fun and relaxing break! And maybe we will have warmer weather when we return!

Our class is excited about their upcoming Reading Party with the senior citizens at BASCC, located at the Midvale Center, on Thursday, April 23 from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. We will visit BASCC to read our favorite stories and poems to the members and to share refreshments with them. You will be getting a detailed letter of the event tomorrow.

We will need drivers!!! If you would like to drive on April 23, please contact room parent Suzanne Sarkesian, suzanne@jonsarkesian.com, before April 3 or sign up at conferences. Parent drivers, please come to the BCS office at 9:15 on April 23 to complete the necessary driver information. It is also essential that drivers remain with the students during the field trip to assist with name tags, to help pair one or two students with senior citizens and to serve the refreshments.

The third and fourth graders receive a report card at the end of the year that covers the third and fourth quarters.

Spring Conferences: Students have a copy of your conference time stapled in their planner. Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks!


Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107
Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


We have mail! Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

Here’s what we have for you tonight:

FIELD TRIP LETTER permission slip was due Friday! There is no cost for this trip.
Paragraph Practice: We will be getting our next one after the break!
3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: We will not be introduced to a new unit until after the break!

Go to http://www.spellingcity.com/ and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Science: We will begin our study of Electricity and Magnetism after the break!

Social Studies:
Get Midwest Project letter signed today and return the bottom portion signed on Monday!
Midwest Project due April 17th (Friday). It should be uploaded to your WIKI by the 17th.

Visit the following site: http://www.historyglobe.com/ for fun social studies activities.

3rd- Go to http://www.teachingtables.co.uk/tm/tmgame/tgame2.html and practice your math facts for 10 minutes each day! It is my favorite new fact site!

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math websites at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: None

Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Spanish: 4th Project due April 13th

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the GYM. You will need your GYM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


It was another wonderful half-day today!!! I really enjoyed the conferences last night and look forward to today’s conferences! Thank you families for your attendance and for coming to enjoy your kids’ work! They have done the best job in preparing for you!!!

Our class is excited about their upcoming Reading Party with the senior citizens at BASCC, located at the Midvale Center, on Thursday, April 23 from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. We will visit BASCC to read our favorite stories and poems to the members and to share refreshments with them. You will be getting a detailed letter of the event tomorrow.

We will need drivers!!! If you would like to drive on April 23, please contact room parent Suzanne Sarkesian, suzanne@jonsarkesian.com, before April 3 or sign up at conferences. Parent drivers, please come to the BCS office at 9:15 on April 23 to complete the necessary driver information. It is also essential that drivers remain with the students during the field trip to assist with name tags, to help pair one or two students with senior citizens and to serve the refreshments.

April 1st and 2nd are half days of school as we have conferences on both days from 1pm-8pm. Dismissal is at 11:20.

The third and fourth graders receive a report card at the end of the year that covers the third and fourth quarters.

Spring Conferences: Students have a copy of your conference time stapled in their planner. Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks!

Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107
Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


We have mail!

Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

Here’s what we have for you tonight:

FIELD TRIP LETTER permission slip due tomorrow! There is no cost for this trip.
Paragraph Practice: We will be getting our next one after the break!

We took our Poppy quizzes today on Moodle. If you were absent, you can take these quizzes at home if you’d like!
3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: We will not be introduced to a new unit until after the break!

Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Science: We will begin our study of Electricity and Magnetism after the break!

Social Studies:
Get Midwest Project letter signed today and return the bottom portion signed on Monday!
Midwest Project due April 17th (Friday). It should be uploaded to your WIKI by the 17th.

Visit the following site: http://www.historyglobe.com for fun social studies activities.

3rd- Complete MB 9.4

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: You took your test today!

Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Spanish: 4th Project due April 13th

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the GYM. You will need your GYM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?


It was a wonderful Wednesday in room 204! I am excited to see you for conferences on Wednesday or Thursday! The class has worked so hard and you are going to be so proud of your child. I can’t wait to see you. For tomorrow, I have the following students scheduled for conferences:

Our class is excited about their upcoming Reading Party with the senior citizens at BASCC, located at the Midvale Center, on Thursday, April 23 from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. We will visit BASCC to read our favorite stories and poems to the members and to share refreshments with them. You will be getting a detailed letter of the event tomorrow.

We will need drivers!!! If you would like to drive on April 23, please contact room parent Suzanne Sarkesian, suzanne@jonsarkesian.com, before April 3 or sign up at conferences. Parent drivers, please come to the BCS office at 9:30 on April 23 to complete the necessary driver information. It is also essential that drivers remain with the students during the field trip to assist with name tags, to help pair one or two students with senior citizens and to serve the refreshments.

April 1st and 2nd are half days of school as we have conferences on both days from 1pm-8pm. Dismissal is at 11:20.

The third and fourth graders receive a report card at the end of the year that covers the third and fourth quarters.

Spring Conferences: Students have a copy of your conference time stapled in their planner. Student-led conferences will be on Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd. The students attend school for half days on both dates. They need to attend their conference with a parent. The conference sheet is sign-up sheet is posted outside of our classroom door. You will want to bring your calendar to find a good day/time for you and your child as your child will be leading you through this conference. Or, feel free to email me with some times that you and your child are available and I will sign up for you! It is a 55 minute conference. Thanks!


Thanks for placing book orders for our classroom! Please remember that you that you can always go online and place your order as well! Thank you Mrs. Richter!!!
Go to: www.scholastic.com/parentordering
Username: sbutzin
Password: covington107

Need help uploading to your wiki? Visit http://www.digitalbcs.com/mc/wiki_movie/wiki_movie.html for help.


We have mail! Bring 3 or more sharpened pencils!

Here’s what we have for you tonight:

FIELD TRIP LETTER permission slip due tomorrow! There is no cost for this trip.

Paragraph Practice: We will be getting our next one after the break!

We finished Poppy and will have an open book test on Wednesday.
3rd graders: 30 mins
4th graders: 40 mins

Spelling: We will not be introduced to a new unit until after the break!

Go to http://www.spellingcity.com/ and play 3+ games or activities! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

4th Graders: Aim to do List B or C. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.

Science: We will begin our study of Electricity and Magnetism after the break!

Social Studies: We took our Midwest Quiz today!
Get Midwest Project letter signed today and return the bottom portion signed on Monday!
Midwest Project due April 17th (Friday). It should be uploaded to your WIKI by the 17th.

Visit the following site: http://www.historyglobe.com/ for fun social studies activities.

3rd- HL 9.3

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out the math website at the top of our Blog. It is great for practicing all facts!

4th-: Test Thursday; Study 11 and 12 mult. facts

Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog for more details!

Spanish: 4th Project due April 13th

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday we will be in the GYM. You will need your GYM attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?

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