
Our Monday was filled with sunshine both inside and out! The kids enjoyed sharing their Halloween experiences this morning in a journal writing. We started our study of government today and talked about the election tomorrow. In the afternoon we learned more about the Election of 2010 from our Time for Kids magazine and Brain Pop. We also talked about how to write many of the letters in cursive! The kids are excited about it. Tomorrow we will have a mock governor election in our classroom!

Some of us have mail!

*Please encourage your child to bring a water bottle to class so he/she does not have to leave class when thirsty!

We gym on Tuesday and Thursday! Bring all necessary gym items for these days!

Here's what we have for you today:

We all have mail!

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes each day
4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes each day

3rd Grade Math:
HL 3.5
How to take online tests:
Go to Mrs. Butzin’s Blog
GO to Frequently Visited Places
Click on3rd grade online MATH TEST site!
Login and take the assigned tests. (Use your school password)
Students should be able to complete the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade Math:
Review due tomorrow. Test Wednesday. Study your addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts for ten minutes! Decide which ones you need the most practice on and study those for ten minutes! Review due Tuesday; Test Wednesday
Encourage your child to use the yellow checklist in his/her binder at the end of each day! It is a great tool!

Bring Sharpened Pencils!
Bring HEALTHY Snack!
Get Planner Signed!


We would love to share in your child’s birthday celebration. If you would like your child to celebrate their birthday at school, please note the following ideas for celebrations:
Please prepare an individual snack for each child.
Please PRECUT large items providing 27 napkins/plates and other necessary utensils.
There are 27 of us!
We will celebrate all birthdays during the designated snack time!
No peanuts please!
If you would prefer that your child not participate in birthday celebrations, please let me know as soon as possible.

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