
Thrilling Thursday!

What a thrilling Thursday! Next week we start the MEAP test. The kids will be testing on the 9th, 10th, 11th, 16th, and 17th. Please make sure your child brings in good books or magazines. The state law mandates that if a student finishes the test early during any testing block, the only thing he/she may do is read. They may not draw or read on an electronic device. In fact, they can’t bring any electronic devices into the room (this is not a rule I usually have so it may be a challenge at first). I took the kids to the library today and will be encouraging them to check things out, but I am hoping you will touch base with them as well. Thank you!!!!

Subjects taught today:

Lang. Arts- Capitalization in our writing

Math – Unit Assessment

Co curricular class: Engage/Gym

Social Studies – Map Skills

Swim Schedule: We swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays

1st Marking Period

Tuesday, September 4 through Friday, September 28:

Frishman, Seley, Maliszewski, and Wallington will be in the GYM.

Butzin, Davis, Harvath, and Parkin will SWIM.

Here is what we have for you today:

We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Go onto Raz Kids and read a book this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

Today we took our unit 1 assessment.

Tonight, students will practice addition/subtraction facts for 10 minutes each using any method they wish. If you child knows their addition/subtraction facts, they should focus on multiplication/division.

Try setting up your own practice quizzes on thatquiz.org. You do not log in to set up practice quizzes. Just click the area you would like to study and click on the no. of questions/level/timing settings you want to try.

To get to thatquiz.org click on the link under Frequently Visited Places:

• Click on your name

• Type in your school password (no username needed)

• Position one hand over the numbers on your keyboard and the other hand to click Enter or Submit with the mouse.

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

JP 42-43 SL 2.6 We are practicing addition and subtraction problems during this unit along with studying number landmarks. I have asked the kids to use the “traditional” method of addition and subtraction no matter what method the directions ask for. This is the method you and I grew up using and it is the method they have all been using since they walked in on the first day of math! Please allow your child to ignore any directions that ask them to use a method other than the “traditional” method. Geometry Museum project due on October 12th.

Important Reminders:

• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.

• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.

• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

• Bring a chapter book every day.

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