We met for our last Character Connections class on Friday. Here is the video we made this week. Every student in the school is in this video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n7-IJQ3GNQ&feature=youtu.be
Upcoming Events:
From Mr. John Prisciandaro: Parents of Butzin/Frishman students;
You are invited to the Eng. Tech “Assembly Line” 3-Wheeled Vehicle Presentation this Friday at 11:05-11:45am
The 3rd/4th grade End of Year Party will be held on Thursday, June 12th from 10:00am to 2:30pm and will include swimming, tie dying t-shirts, game show row, pizza lunch and an ice cream social. We need volunteers!
Please click the link below scroll down:
We are asking each student to bring in a T-shirt to tie dye during the party. Please bring your T-shirt to school by Friday, June 6th.
4th Grade Band camp letter was sent home. Deadline for sign up is June 4th.