
Terrific Tuesday!

Valentine Exchange
February 14

We will celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14th.  Our celebration will be low-key.  Students will exchange Valentine cards and enjoy a small snack.
In order to make sure everyone feels as special as they are, we are requiring that if your child chooses to pass out valentines, they bring one valentine for each person in our class.  Please do not have your child address the valentines to each individual student. Instead just have them sign the From: part of the card.  It is easier to just drop a valentine in each bag verses finding the correct bag for each child.  Students will be provided with an envelope for Valentine collection.  This is optional.

Thank you! 
Mrs. Butzin and Mrs. Frishman

Character Connections Word of the week:  PATIENCE
Patience is the quality of waiting calmly without complaining. An example of patience is someone standing peacefully in a very long line. Can you think of times when patience helped in a situation? How does it feel when you are patient with others?  We work hard at this each day!  Go TEAM!
Please check your child's Blue Take Home Folder each day to check for mail, homework, and important information.


PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD WITH A WATER BOTTLE!!! This helps a lot, so he/she does not have to leave the room when thirsty! Your child is also welcome to keep healthy snacks in our classroom to eat any time

Here’s What We Have for You Today:

Book Orders due February 17

Social Studies:
Review due Friday
Test Friday (Feb 10)

Reading Homework:
Our Reading Waikiki Party is February 10!
3rd Grade: 20 minutes
4th Grade: 30 minutes

Language Arts:
Word study is due February 7.

3rd Grade Math: 
Think Central:  show parents your test score
Xtra Math - 3 rounds with Mr. C.
Online Quizzes due Wednesday (most finished in class)

To access Think Central:
Go to 
www.thinkcentral.com (linked under math on this blog)
Log in with this info on the drop down menu:
Birmingham Public School District
Birmingham Covington School
Check the ‘remember me’ box
Username with tc at the start (ex.tcsb07) password  (animal)
Click My Scores - The most recent test will be at the top

4th Grade Math:  
HR 5-2
Online test due 2/10/17

Language Arts: 
In writer’s workshop, we are gearing up for persuasive and opinion writing. To prepare, we are reading opinion articles in class to understand how an author works to convince others of what he/she wants them to think, feel, believe, or do.  In reader's workshop, we are learning to take charge of our own comprehension.  Finally, in our independent reading time, we are using all of our reading skills to help us improve our reading stamina.  We are working hard!

Social Studies:  
We are busy in our unit on Government.  Right now we are talking about what a government does and why we need one.  From there we will move into our Three Branches of Government.  The kids are already reminding us of things we learned in Lansing!

Our science unit is on Energy.  We are learning about potential and kinetic energy and what makes energy change.  We are also going to study the various forms of energy.

***Often we post things on our class SeeSaw accounts as well on our Google Classroom accounts.  Ask your child to show you what he/she has done so far!

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