
This morning was a very eventful chapter in Poppy! Ask your child to share the details with you tonight at dinner. In the afternoon, we learned about our social studies region workshop project. We also had time to begin our tour of the Southeast region. Get ready for a great day Wednesday!


We GYM on Tuesday and Thursday!

Social Studies:
Southeast Map Quiz is Thursday. Students will need to name the state and spell it correctly. Learn the capital of each state for challenge!


3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes each day

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes each day

3rd Grade Math:

HL 8.2

Share the class experiment results with your parents!

Get your test signed!

How to take online tests:

PRACTICE your facts BEFORE you take any timed tests online!

Go to Mrs. Butzin’s Blog

GO to Frequently Visited Places

Click on 3rd grade online MATH TEST site!

Login and take the assigned tests. (Use your school password)

3rd Grade End of year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade Math:

SL 9.1 Survey due Thursday. We have a quiz on Thursday and your kids have all of the information for studying written next to SL 9.3. Tonight’s homework is JP 256-259 SL 9.4 (On JP 258, you will need to use SRB page 246 at home to help you!)

*Please encourage your child to bring a water bottle to class so he/she does not have to leave class when thirsty!


Encourage your child to use the yellow checklist in his/her binder at the end of each day! It is a great tool!

Bring Sharpened Pencils!

Bring HEALTHY Snack!

Get Planner Signed!


We would love to share in your child’s birthday celebration. If you would like your child to celebrate their birthday at school, please note the following ideas for celebrations:

Please prepare an individual snack for each child.

Please PRECUT large items providing 27 napkins/plates and other necessary utensils.

There are 27 of us!

We will celebrate all birthdays during the designated snack time!

No peanuts please!

If you would prefer that your child not participate in birthday celebrations, please let me know as soon as possible.

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