
Happy 9th Birthday Adiev!

We had a busy and fabulous day today! After math, we did some grammar and editing practice. The kids and I reviewed some important rules that we will try to infuse in our writing. Before lunch we had some time for Reader’s Workshop and to work on our higher order thinking skills while reading. After lunch we had Spanish, planners, Science experiments, and time to preview our Lansing trip. Finally, we ended the day by celebrating Adiev’s birthday! Happy 9th Birthday Adiev!

Tomorrow is our big trip to Lansing! The kids are so excited about it! I have just a few reminders for you. Our bus will be leaving at 8:30am. It is very important that your child arrive at school on time and use the restroom right away. The kids can bring their coats and lunches straight to the room at 8:20am. Our chaperones will have a meeting in the media center at 8:10am and then we will walk out to the bus together. Students are more than welcome to bring electronics and books to keep them busy while on the long bus ride. You will just want to remind your child that he/she is responsible for these items. Everyone should bring a snack for the bus as well as a sack lunch to enjoy midday. We will leave Lansing at 1:00pm and will return to BCS at the end of the day!

Lansing Check List:

--Eat a good breakfast but don't drink too much! (It's a long ride and we aren't planning bathroom stops. This one is for moms and dads and our morning coffee too!)

--Pack a healthy lunch, at least 2 snacks, and a drink. (NO NUTS!!) Use disposable containers, please.

--You will carry your own food, drink, and book/DS/iTouch/camera. As always, you bring things at your own risk. Every child is responsible for his/her own belongings.

Our chaperones are Jayson Ryan, Reham Alexander, Martha Wilker, Pam Minelli, Diana Johnson, Kathy Juriga, Sean Lee, Mike Richardson- Chaperones please meet in the media center at 8:10 am for instruction.

Subjects taught today:

Math: Perimeter

Co curricular class: Spanish

Language Arts –Reader’s Workshop and Grammar

Science- Energy Investigations in the Science Lab

Gym/Swim Schedule: We gym/swim from 12:15-1:00pm on Thursdays and 9:25-10:10am on Fridays.

Here is what we have for you today:

A few students need to bring earbuds/earphones to keep in your cubby at school.

Language Arts:

Bring Chapter Book

3rd Grade Reading: 20 minutes

4th Grade Reading: 30 minutes

Raz Kids: Read a book and take a quiz this week! Of course you can do more if you would like! Students have a label in the planner with the password.

Raz Kids Teacher Username: butzin

3rd Grade Math:

Due Thursday:

Finish JP 63

Take online Money 2 and Place Value 2 Quiz

Take timed 8 multiplication quiz if you didn’t in class

IXL for 10 min

Study multiplication fact 8 for five minutes!

We will take a timed multiplication 8 quiz again on Monday!

Electronic Math:

Try setting up your own practice quizzes on thatquiz.org. You do not log in to set up practice quizzes. Just click the area you would like to study and click on the no. of questions/level/timing settings you want to try.

To get to thatquiz.org click on the link under Frequently Visited Places:

• Click on your name

• Type in your school password (no username needed)

• Position one hand over the numbers on your keyboard and the other hand to click Enter or Submit with the mouse.

Click on your name and use your school password to log in and take the assigned tests.

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:

Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/multiplication facts in 5 mins

4th Grade Math:

If you did not get your test letter signed last night, please do so for Thursday’s math class. Today in class we learned “traditional” multiplication. Your child has a packet to complete that we started in class together. Please check his/her answers to ensure that your child understands. Finally, we have online tests due on Thursday. The codes for these tests are AYLSISF6, F7V9GGZT, and IOFFJD1L.

Important Reminders:

We are collecting Box Tops for education.

Scholastic Book Club ordering. It’s so easy! Click on the link in the Places to Go and Explore section (right hand side) Set up your own parent username and password and type in the following code for Butzin’s class: HDPNQ

There are various magazines available to order from.


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