
It was a Thrilling Thursday in room 204! Tomorrow is our last day of swim for 5 weeks….we swim earlier tomorrow from 12:40-1:20….

PARENT REPRESENTATIVE….Would you be available on Sunday to act as a parent representative in our classroom during open house? Open house is from 1-3. If you can stay the entire time or a portion of the time, we would appreciate having your help! I will be in the room with you as well as a few of our students. Your job would be to answer questions from a parent perspective and tell parents all of the positive things you have experienced here at BCS!!! Please email me to let me know if you are available for any portion of the time! Thanks, Scarlet sb07bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us

This morning we spent some time going over the “BCS Halloween Rules.” Everyone was interested to know. The kids can tell you everything, but here are the basic rules: costumes cannot include anything that resembles a weapon, blood, or guts. Also, the 3/4 team does not allow students to wear their costumes all day. We will all (including me) change into our costumes at 1:20pm before the parade. The parade is at 1:45pm and everyone is welcome to attend. Everyone is also welcome to attend our party right after! The parents are working hard on it and I know it will be a lot of fun!!!!

Please make sure your child has pencils in his/her binder!
I have had several kind parents email me to ask what they can donate to our classroom. Thank you, but I am not allowed to ask for donations! However, if you are at the store and things just happen to fall into your cart, we always are in need of paper towel, Kleenex, pencils, and Lysol wipes. These items would also just have to fall into my classroom, and I would not know how they got there!!! Thank you for your generosity. I appreciate you!!!

We all had mail today!

Here’s what we have for you tonight:

3rd graders: 20 mins
4th graders: 30 mins

Moodle Homework: Complete Moodle Quiz Homework assignment. It is due by Nov. 5th and must be signed by a parent!

Language Arts: Paragraph Practice “Great Potato Disguise” due is due Friday, Nov. 7th. This is one of my favorite assignments, and I know your kids are already quite excited about it! I hleped them plan the days when they will accomplish each part of the task in their planners on pages 44-45.

Social Studies: We are learning so much about our government and about the election! Today we researched both candidates. I have done a lot to explain to the kids that we will not share who we want to vote for because everyone’s vote is private and we never want to make someone feel bad about their choice. However, we will use various sources to educate ourselves about both candidates. I want them to understand how important it is not only to vote, but to make an informed choice. On Monday, the entire 3/4 will vote online and we will see who our president would be if our third and fourth graders had the choice!!! How fun!!!

**Two Extra Credit election assignments are optional and are due Thursday!

3rd – 2 handouts stapled (perimeter and subtraction)

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins,
50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out this math website page and start playing the timed quizzes. http://www.thatquiz.org/

4th- Review for unit assessment to be given on MONDAY! You will have facts test on Monday. Study facts this weekend! Mrs. Frishman wants to give everyone and opportunity to review over the weekend. The review is due Monday!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

NEXT Tuesday and Friday will be GYM. You will need your gym attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?

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