Yesterday the class went to the Detroit Science Center and it was the best! Mr. L., our guest teacher, said the kids were perfectly behaved and had a great time! Thank you Ms. Williams, Ms. Sarkesian, Ms. Skornicka, Ms. Richter, Ms. Dean, Ms. Afrakhteh, Ms. Clay and Ms. Gardner for volunteering on this trip. We would be lost without you!
Chaperones: If you happened to take the plastic chaperone folder home, please return the plastic chaperone field trip folder with your child tomorrow. I am looking for 5 folders! Thanks again for your help!
Here’s what we have for you tonight:
Reflection 2008 Contest: Feeling creative? The deadline for all entries is December 9th Are you good at Art, dance, photography, writing, music or movie making? Then you should seriously consider entering this year’s Reflections competition: This year’s theme is “WOW!” Please pick up an entry form packet from your teacher, or the office.
3rd graders: 20 mins
4th graders: 30 mins
Language Arts: Paragraph Practice due 12/4; Get it signed tonight and share your planner calendar with your parent tonight! I helped them plan the days when they will accomplish each part of the task in their planners on the calendar pages for November and December.
Spelling- TEST- November 21- Go to and play a game or do an activity! List 1- ‘ing endings’ Test date is November 24th Think about which of the lists A, B or C you will learn (and remember) from your spelling paper. What kind of speller are you? Could you challenge yourself to learn list C, which has more difficult words in it? Remember to get your parents signature to show that they agree with the list of words you have chosen. You do not have a menu to choose from. You may learn the spelling word in the best way that works for you. We will be learning about the spelling rule in class, this week and next week.
Social Studies: See gold handout for all directions!
Students need to find 4 artifacts that social scientists would want to study. Artifacts are due Friday in a small bag
3rd – MB and HL 4.6; Practice mult./div facts 1-3 for 10 minutes
Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out this math website page and start playing the timed quizzes.
4th- JP 104; SL 4.10 – Review due 11/24; Unit 4 Ttest Nov. 25
Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog just in case we missed something!
Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?
Tuesday and Friday will be GYM. You will need your gym attire!
Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?