
Today was terrific! We created our own speaking turkey avatar today. Our Thanksgiving turkey explains some of the things for which we are grateful. You may view the turkeys that have been uploaded to our class wiki at http://butzin.wikis.birmingham.k12.mi.us/Turkey. Please enjoy our creations!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday with your family! Mrs. Butzin made a Thanksgiving turkey to share with everyone on our Blog! Enjoy....


Here’s what we have for you tonight:

Reflection 2008 Contest: Feeling creative? The deadline for all entries is December 9th Are you good at Art, dance, photography, writing, music or movie making? Then you should seriously consider entering this year’s Reflections competition: This year’s theme is “WOW!” Please pick up an entry form packet from your teacher, or the office.


3rd graders: 20 mins
4th graders: 30 mins

Language Arts: Paragraph Practice due 12/4; Get it signed tonight and share your planner calendar with your parent tonight! I helped them plan the days when they will accomplish each part of the task in their planners on the calendar pages for November and December.

3rd – Get your mult. fact timed quiz signed and return by Tuesday

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out this math website page and start playing the timed quizzes. http://www.thatquiz.org/

4th- None
Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog just in case we missed something!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday will be GYM. You will need your gym attire!
Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial

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