
Nov. 7

Today was a Fantastic Friday! We began the day with a wonderful theatrical presentation by the Rising Stars drama group. The students sat and listened so nicely. They had lots of good questions to ask the actors after their performance.

Please make sure your child has pencils in his/her binder!

Several students need a pair of school scissors.

CONFERENCES...Conferences are approaching on Wednesday November 12th and Thursday November 13th. The sign-up sheets are now posted outside the classroom door. Please sign up for a time slot, or email me and I will sign up for YOU!

SUPPLIES...I have had several kind parents email me to ask what they can donate to our classroom. Thank you, but I am not allowed to ask for donations! However, if you are at the store and things just happen to fall into your cart, we always are in need of paper towel, Kleenex, pencils, and Lysol wipes. These items would also just have to fall into my classroom and I would not know how they got there!!! Thank you for your generosity. I appreciate you!!!

REFLECTIONS CONTEST...Feeling creative? Are you good at Art, dance, photography, writing, music or movie making? Then you should seriously consider entering this year’s Reflections competition: This year’s theme is “WOW!” Please pick up an entry form packet from your teacher, or the office. The deadline for all entries is December 9th.

Here’s what we have for you tonight:

3rd graders: 20 mins
4th graders: 30 mins

Field Trip permission slip is due Nov. 12 (Wednesday). Students need to bring 25 and a slip by next Wed.

Moodle Homework: Moodle Quiz Homework was due on Wednesday

Language Arts: Paragraph Practice (P2)“Great Potato Disguise” was due today!

3rd – We took our unit 3 test today! This weekend share your family letter with a parent! Study your addition and multiplication facts for 10 minutes!

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out this math website page and start playing the timed quizzes. www.thatquiz.org

4th- Review test with parents! JP 82-84; SL 4.3

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday will be GYM. You will need your gym attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?

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