
I hope you had a wonderful holiday break!! I am happy to be back with my amazing class! The students enjoyed sharing all of their wonderful experiences with family and friends. The students did a great job of getting back into the swing of things. Today we learned about the ways the Native Americans, Latinos, Europeans Americans, African Americans, and Asian Americans came to America and contributed to its growth and development. We will conclude our study of the peopling of the United States on Wednesday by writing a song that celebrates American diversity. We continued to learn about the adventures in Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing today. We plan to conclude this wonderful literature study on Friday. This is one of my favorite novels.

Holiday Party…
Due to our snow day, the rescheduled time for the 3/4 classroom parties is this Friday, January 9th, from 12:30-1:30. You are welcome to join us for this magical event! Thank you.

Field Trip TOMORROW…
We will be going on a field trip to the Environmental Center tomorrow. We will be going outside so students should bring gloves, hats, coats and snow boots to school for this special event. We will leave school at 8:30 SHARP and return for lunch at 11:00! We will return to BCS in time for our regular lunch schedule.

Plastic 2-liter Bottles Needed…
We will be starting a unit on Insects and life cycles. For this unit, I need 5 2-liter bottles with caps. They need to be the clear kind. Green ones won’t work:( Thanks so much!


Here’s what we have for you tonight:

3rd graders: 20 mins
4th graders: 30 mins

Language Arts:
Paragraph Practice due 12/6; I helped students plan the days when they will accomplish each part of the task in their planners on the calendar pages for November and December. They should upload this to moodle from home before the 6th.

TEST/Assignment due November 16-
Go to www.spellingcity.com and play 5 games or activities before the 16th! Write the name of the game and the date you completed this on the spelling list handout. It needs to be signed by a parent.

3rd – MB 5.10 and HL 5.10; Practice mult./div facts 1-3 for 10 minutes

Your mental recall goals (for exiting 3rd grade) are 30 addition and 30 subtraction in 2 mins, 50 multiplication and 50 division 3 mins. Check out this math website page and start playing the timed quizzes. www.thatquiz.org

4th- JP 137-140; SL 6.1
Please check Mrs. Frishman’s Blog just in case we missed something!

Remember to write the title of the book you are reading in the ‘Keep Track’ section of your planner…did you do it?

Tuesday and Friday will be SWIM. You will need your swim attire!

Did you take your planner and pen to a parent and ask them to initial it?

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