
Subjects taught today:
Language Arts: Test taking skills -writing
Science: Science Court
Math: (3rd) Number Difference ad Name That Number games
Co-curricular class: Spanish and Engage

Here’s What We Have for You:

Book Orders are due Monday, October 4!

3rd Grade Math:
Study multiplication facts 1-3 for 15 minutes.

Online math tests were due Wednesday. There were 3 online quizzes to complete using thatquiz.org. The tests are: Time #1, Money #1 and Place Value #1.

How to take online tests:
Go to my blog http://www.butzinbcs.blogspot.com/
Scroll down to “Places to Go and Explore”
Click on 3rd grade online MATH TEST site!
Find your name and log in using your school password (this is in on a sticker in your planner)
Or, log into your school email and click on the emails (with a link) that have been sent to you.

3rd Grade End of Year Fact Expectations:
Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins

4th Grade Math:
Homework assigned yesterday (JP 33-35 SL 2.3) is due tomorrow. If your child is observing the holidays and cannot complete this homework by Friday, please send me an email and your child can have until Monday to complete the work. We also have three online tests due by Friday. The codes for the test are: SMYQ3469, QXKW5047, and CRYT6422. Our geo-museum projects are due on October 7th.

Please continue to collect and bring in 2 ltr. clear soda bottles. We have enough for the Land and Water science unit. However, we will need lots more (approx. 30 bottles) for the ecosystems unit, which is taught later on in the year. Wash out the bottle. Remove the label. Keep the cap on.

4th grade go to: http://kron11.wikis.birmingham.k12.mi.us/

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